An Encounter And Meeting

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Walla! Black is now here for viewing! Once more, I am brand new to Digital Art so this sucks. You can change what he looks like if you want. Hope you like my attempt No. 2!



"A Polision" Red says. I slowly step in front of the group. I don't want to deal with this now, especially since I lost my role. Cyan doesn't know what to do.

"Listen to me, you've got no clue how to command one of them, so I'll try to fake being Alpha. Do not attack me, just protect your mate." I whisper to Cyan. He nods and I walk in front of him. Just then I see the 4 glowing yellow eyes of the inhabitant.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" It asks in Poluson. Since the humans can't understand Poluson, they froze because of its voice.

"We're visitors, we don't plan to destroy your home. We're only going to stay here for a parsling and then leave. I promise you we won't hurt or destroy your nest" I respond in Poluson. The others look at me with disbelief, except Cyan who is guarding them. Even the Polison was surprised.

"How do you know the tongue?" It asks.

"I am former Alpha Zoroto Black Death, of the Colony Veroca. I was challenged and had lost. These humans have proved themself to be useful and will not hurt you. The Alpha will make sure of that" Well there goes the fake Alpha act. The Polision comes out from it's spot in the rocks and stood tall in front of me. It's a larger one, must be male. 7' 11''.

"Where is the Alpha?" It asks. I look behind me and back up.

"Just step in front of it and say you're Alpha of the Colony Veroca" I say to Cyan in human language. He nods his head and steps forward.

"Don't forget to say it in Polision." I say again. He nods.

"I am the Alpha now. I had challenge the former alpha and had won. I am Alpha Ashito Shadow Soul of the Colony Veroca" Cyan says in Poluson. I smile, feeling proud. Why was I feeling proud? I don't know, I just did.

The Polision sniffed the air around Cyan and bowed, getting on its knees.

"Alpha" It says. Cyan looks to me, and I do a hand gesture for Rise. Cyan copies me and the Polision rises.

"We're controlling the humans from the inside, so if anything happens to the nest, me and my-" Cyan looks to me.

"Beta" I whisper.

"Me and my Beta will remove them." Cyan says. The Polision nods his head

"Alpha, is it allowed to invite others to see the humans? There hasn't been a landing of them in 10 korties." The Polision asks. Cyan looks over to me.

"Korties means years. If they don't harm the humans and if the humans don't harm them, then I guess it's fine. It's lucky this territory is near the center of the colony." I whisper to him. Cyan nods his head and looks back to the Polision, who is now smiling.

"As long has they don't hurt the humans, and the humans don't hurt them, I guess it's fine." Cyan says. The Polision grins happily.

"Thank you, Alpha. I will share the news of your return and the rules of the area! Thank you!" With that the Polision runs back into the rocks. Cyan sighs and walks back over to us.

"That was so hard to do" Cyan says to me, still in Polision.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you the way." I respond.

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