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I looked around, trying to move but my body didn't follow my commands, so I was a sitting duck. I looked yellow who stared at me. I look around more, the beeping machines, the scanner, the piles of boxes and bags. Wait... Boxes and bags? I stare at them blankly.

"You shouldn't speak" yellows voice startled me.

"I'm astonished that you're alive Red, you were about to die, but you didn't." Her soft smile hurts, I don't know why, but it hurts.

"Your throat was badly cut, and you won't be able to speak for around 3 months. The cut was so deep, and it was just mear centimeters from cutting through your vocal cords and killing you. You are a miracle Red, you really are."

Yellow walks over and helps me sit up. I look around better, and see white at the door.

"Should I let them in?" Them? It's only white, right? I nod a 'yes' and she opens the door. The entire crew were hiding behind white. Everyone gasps and rush over to me. I smile, I haven't got this much attention since I joined MIRA. It felt good. 

"RED!!!!!" Lime hugs me and crys on me.

"You're alive! Thank God! Promise me you won't do that again!" Lime says.

"Lime! Get off of her! It'll be awhile until you can hug her!" Yellow says.

"She's like glass now, one wrong move can kill her, so give her some space!"

Lime gets off of me and gives me one last hug. Everyone starts asking questions and talking, it felt good to be part of a group. I look around at everyone, and stare at Cyan. He was looking at me like a creep. I tried to tell him to stop, but he kept staring.

~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~

I was up and walking around, 3 weeks after my incident. I was doing my tasks and leading the crew without the gift of speech. It was hard, but everyone got used to me talking through my tablet. We never did find my attempted killer, but I was still very cautious when near Cyan. He still stares at me and it creeps me the hell out.

I walk around by electrical, even though I was nearly killed in there I still went in. I complete my wiring task and leave. I go to admin and lime was suffering with the card swipe. I chuckled a bit and help him. He says thanks and I nod, starting my upload task.

After I was done I leave for cafeteria to grab a bite. I sit down at the tables and think about stuff.

Why didn't he kill me? Why did he hesitate? I was easy prey, yet he let me live. Questions filled my head, until a drop of blood. I get up, scared. I look around, listening for the blood. It drops again and I run over to the side to navigation. I was mortified.

Blues body was on the ground, stabbed. I wanted to scream, but I held it back because of my voice. I call a meeting and place the body on the table, everyone look at him.

"No! It can't be! We can't have murders on this ship! The storys have to be fake!" Lime crys.

"No.... Not blue..." Orange cried, I knew there were a thing.

"What do we do? What should we do with the killer?" Purple asks.

"I-I guess we need to get the killer off the ship and the only way to do that will be ejecting them into space." White answers, they way he said it was like he was faking it.

I type 'Blue was on the floor in navigation.....where was everyone?' on my tablet.

"I was in medbay with brown and green" yellow says. Brown and green nod confirming that they were together.

"I was i-in reactor w-with purple." Orange says as purple pats her back. Purple nods.

"I was in electrical with black and cyan" White says. The other 2 confirm that they were together.

"I was with pink in security" lime says, and pink nods.

'Well, no one was alone... so I guess we go on with our tasks?' I type into my tablet.

They all agreed with hesitation and everyone gets up goes on with their tasks. Orange crys and green and purple say behind to calm her.

Everyone sticks together, terrified that if they walk alone they would die. Even though the fear filled my mind, I left for admin alone. My mind begged me to go with someone but I kept walking. I feel cyan behind me and turn around, the door closes as he gets close. I was against a wall and he pulled out his tablet. I look at him scared.

He hands me his tablet and I shakingly read it. 

'Captin.... I was wondering, can I cook tonight?' it said

Cook? He wanted to cook a meal for the crew, but the door, a-and, why isn't he killing me?? 

I shakingly type 'Okay' on he tablet and give it back to him. The doors open and I rush out, I hear a "Thank you" from the room.

I'm in front of the button, looking over it. I wanted to press it and kill cyan, but something about him makes him seem not like a killer.

Cyan walks up behind me and startles me, he smirks and goes to the kitchen. 5 PM, 1 hour before dinner. I hope he won't poison us.

Soon 6 PM roles around and everyone sits on their seats, look at a dish with mashed potatoes, fish, and salad glazed over with a salty liquid. It smelled great and I kinda wanted to eat it. I look closer and see a white powder over the dishes. Everyone takes their helmets off and eat. I hesitate on the 1st bite and listen the others eat before I put it into my mouth.

"Wow! This is great!" Purple says and everyone agrees. I look over at cyan and he's eating with the mask on. Talent I guess. I take a bite and notice how gross it tasted at first, but soon it tasted far better. I knew that the bad taste in the beginning was poison, but I didn't real care at the moment. I'm glad that my last meal was good. 

After eating we got 1 hour to clean ourselves and and another to talk. All the girls have to bath at the same time, but we got stalls at least. After that the men clean themselves and talk about what ever they talk about.

 Me, Yellow, Orange, Brown, and pink walk into the bathrooms. I walk away from them and stand in the last stall and claim it as mine. It's my first time bathing with other people, and when I was still bedridden yellow tried to talk me into letting her clean me but I refused. Yellow ended up just standing next to the door making sure I wouldn't die. 

I hear the other girls talk about boys and admire each other's body's. I look in the mirror at the bloody and ugly scar I have on my neck. I sigh and look back at the girls. They pay no attention to me when I get into my stall. I turn on the water and start to clean myself when I hear yellow.

"C'mon Red, just let me look at you, please?" She begged. The other girls join in with her and they try to get me moving. I groan a look at them, my stall still protecting me. I didn't notice but pink sneaked behind me. 

"Boo" I jump out from behind the stall and everyone looks at me. I push pink and she laughed, I was embarrassed and hid behind my stall. 

"You look good" Brown giggled. I growl at her and clean myself as quick as I can.

"C'mon Red, come bathe with us, we don't mind your looks" Pink said. Orange was still quiet. 

I look at orange and wave my hand to get her by me. She was the only one I was fine with seeing me. She moves next to me. We admire each other and we giggle. I smile as I begin clean myself. We all get clean and leave the bathrooms. I sit on my bed and think. White walks in and sits on his bed.

"I know you can't talk, but I'll tell you anyway." He says in a sad way.

"Go to communications tommorow, h-he'll meet you there." He gets back up and talks with green.

Meet who? Cyan? Black? Purple? Green? Who? I lay on my bed thinking that question. Who is he? I must've fell asleep because soon everything went black. I hope I didn't die to the meal cyan made.

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