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I haven't drawn Humans in awhile and I'm working on the Polisions, the Rock Glider type is done. Working on the Yellow Gray type. This is Yellow, I guess. Hope you like my horrible attempt. Got a new drawing tablet so that's another reason why I late


"Everyone, this is my sister and former Beta, Seria" Black says. The Polision, Seria, smiles.

"Hi, I live here and I just want to meet the new beings here." Seria says, waving her claw.

"H-hi" Yellow says. The others just stay quiet. I walk forward.

"Hello there, Seria. I am called Red here, and I am the captain of this group of humans. I hope we can be friends." I say, trying my best not to have a voice crack. Seria smiles.

"I hope so too." She says. I'm surprised she knows english, but I guess that's because she learned from Black.

"Black, I didn't know you had a sister." I say. Seria glares at Black.

"You didn't tell anyone about me? What about my legend of being known across the universe?" Seria says, crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry, just got caught up in other stuff." Black says. Right before he was going to say something, Seria interrupted him.

"Also, since when did you get called Black, Zoro?" Black seemed to freeze with the nickname, and the others giggle.

"I, um, I got called that because I joined this mission?" He says to Seria, who just keeps glaring at him.

"Anyways, you all should probably get some rest. You humans need a lot of it. Almost all of the Colony knows about you all and will be coming in the Riscok." Seria says, looking over to the rest of us to make sure we're listening.

"I can try to have my nest keep any sneakers out until you all are ready. Just remember when the Riso comes me and my nest won't be able to protect you all. The Alpha should explore the territory and mark the place with their scent." Seria says to us. We all nod confused, causing Black to say Riscok and Riso mean day and morning.

"This way everyone" I say, leading the other humans away. Black stops Cyan from going with us. We all walk over to the sleeping areas and we get into our rooms.

"Hope we won't die tomorrow" Jack says when we're in our room.

"If what she says is right, then this territory if in the Colony Veroca, meaning since the Alpha is friends with us we should be safe. I've learned about them, and it seems that their Alpha is like literal God to them. I hope what I've heard is right." I explain. Jack looks over to me.

"Who is the Alpha? Turns out Black's an Imposter-"

"Polision" I cut Jack. He nods his head.

"Right, 'Polision', so who's the Alpha? Black said there were 2 and you said the Alpha was friends with us." Jack asks

'A bit more than friends with me' I thought.

"The Alpha is-" I hype us myself. I don't know why I am so nervous.

"Cyan" I finally get out.

"Cyan?" Jack asks. I nod my head.

"Yeah, Cy's the Alpha. He fought Black back at MiraHQ" I say, taking off my helmet.

"How long have you known?" Jack asks after a long pause.

"I've known since after old Browns' death. I thought Black was the other Imposter, and Cyan confirmed my suspicions back at MiraHQ" I explain. Jack nods his head.

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