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I woke up to Pink screaming. I look around and hop out of bed. How long was I out? I run into the bathroom and quickly put my suit on. After that I run out of the sleeping quarters.

I run around, trying to figure out were that scream was. I run to the Lockers and I hear Yellow shouting no running at me, but I don't care.

"Not another one! Please! Cyan!" I shout the last part. As usual Cyan comes from the vents.

"What?" He asks.

"Cyan! I uh-" I get closer to the vent. I look around and shut the doors.

"Did you kill someone? I heard Pink scream." I ask. He stays silent.

"Y'know, you'd be a pretty good Imposter..." He answers.

"Me and Black killed Pink. I'm sorry I just couldn't take it anymore. Pinks' body doesn't exist anymore." I smile at his smaller form in the vent.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad. I mean, I am in love with a human eating monster, so I think a few humans dead so I can be with you is ok." I respond. Cyan sighs with relief.

I open the doors when Cyan climbs out. We walk to laboratory so we can clean up the blood the duo of Imposters left.

After that Cyan just follows me around while I do tasks. Talking and such, even telling a few secrets.

"And I have one more secret. It's my main one." Cyan says while I do the uploading task.

"Oh?" I respond.

"You first, tell me your biggest secret and I'll tell you mine. Deal?" He says. I sigh and nod my head. I pull us into the O2 room and lock the doors to the whole floor.

"I come from a gang. A assassination gang. We're the biggest gang ever to exist, and I was once their leader. I killed my family and killed many more through my followers." I say heavily.

"Jason and now you are the only ones who know this secret."

"Jason?" He asks.

"Lime" I respond. I look away to try and hold back tears of his death. Cyan comes from behind me and wraps me in a hug. I turn around and hug him back, taking off my helmet in the process.

I barie my face in his chest and let a few tears escape.

"I'm sorry about Li-Jason. Black did it so you wouldn't trust me and we would get the job done." He whispers.

"I tried to protect him from Black so you wouldn't get hurt. Lime was one of my close friends too. He knew that I liked you, and he knew that you showed signs of liking me. Instead of forcing me out of your life, he encouraged me to talk and lean more about you. He was my closest friend. He was our little Lime." He whispers. I cry silently for a bit, all the while Cyan just whispering nothingness in my ear.

After awhile I get ahold of myslef. I pull out of Cyans' grasp and look up at him. He gets the message and takes off his helmet.

"I'm sorry about that. I just couldn't cope with Limes' death without a hug" I say looking down, trying not to show the slight blush I had because of how cute he looks. He cups my cheek to make me look up.

"Don't worry my rose, you can hug and cry on me anytime." He says. I blush a bit more at the nickname. He chuckles a bit and I cross my arms pulling away.

"Your turn" I say and look at him. He nods and his smile leaves. I watch as he ungloves his hand.

"Now, don't freak out, please" He says. I nod and watch as he aproces one of the dying plants.

"I was made in a lab, and I have this ability because of it." He says. I watch as he touches the plant and it bursts into a spiked, long vined, and mouth flowered plant. I also watch as it dies immediately. After seeing that I realize how lonely Cyan must have been. He could never really feel the warmth of touch.

He gloves his hand back up, but I grab his glove before then.

"Hey! What are you doing?" He hides his ungloved hand in his pocket.

"If I'm right, then your touch only affects living things right? So maybe you can touch my gloved hand." I say.

"WHAT?! NO! I'm not taking that risk!" He yells. I shake my head.

"Just a test!" I say. He shakes his head vigorously.

"NO!" He shouts. I don't know why I want to do this, but I grab his wrist and pin him to the wall, holding his free hand away.

"NO! Please I don't want to take the risk!" He says. I grab his other wrist.

"Not with you as the test subject... Please..." He says. Horror and fear in his eyes.

"I don't know why I'm doing this either" I whisper. He closes his eyes.

I hold his ungloved hand, fingers interlocked. I look at our hands. I look back up at Cyan, who is waiting for my screams.

"Cyan," I start. He opens a eye.

"I'm fin-" I pull hand hand away. It started to sting. I clutch it. It stings really badly.

"I knew this was a bad idea!" He grabs his glove and puts it back on.

"I've never done it to humans" He mumbles.

I try to hold back whimpers, but I stings really really badly. I let go of hand hand and take off my glove. I gasp at what I see.

My hand, once a pretty tanish pale, is now a grey colored claw. I mean, my nails are longer.

I shove myself in Cyans' grasp. I need him and I need him NOW. I silently watch as my hand becomes darker and darker in color.

I whimper once, and it stops. I sigh at the sudden relief of pain. I fall to the floor taking Cyan with me.

"A-are you alight?" Cyan asks making me look at him. Tears prick the corners of my eyes and Cyan wipes them away.

"Y-yeah" I sigh. I lift my hand up a bit. It looks better now. It's now a paled yellow-gray.

"I need to figure out how far the color changed on my body" I saw. Cyan looks at my hand a gasps.

"W-what?!" I ask.

"Your hand, it's almost the same color of the Polisions!" He whisper-yelled.

"Really?" I ask. Suddenly he start laughing. I look at him weirdly.

"I don't know what we did, but we made you change colors" He says in between laughs. I chuckle a bit too, but soon start laughing like him.

When the laughter dies down, I glove my hand and stand up. Cyan follows.

"You should probably trim those." He says. I look at him with confusion and he points to my hand. I lift my hand up and see it has claws, I don't know how it didn't rip through the suit.

"Well... My hand is a claw now." I chuckle a bit. Cyan chuckles a bit too.

I use my new 'claw' to grab my tablet and open the doors to the whole floor. I forgot I closed the entire floor. I put my tablet and flew my claw a bit.

"Thanks, even though it stung a lot I think I'll like this." I say looking at Cyan. He chuckles a bit and puts his helmet on. I put mine on too.

We walk out like nothing ever happens, and I go to trip my nails.

"Oh Cyan... You're going to challenge me soon aren't you?"



Well! I can't believe I got the time to do this. Welp, secrets be revealed! ANYWAY.... First chapter of the new year! Hopefully 2021 will be better than 2020 and we'll live to see the end of this book. Don't jinx it k? We need to make it till Jan 19! Right back to cleaning my room...


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