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WARNING! Suicide!

Also the artwork is NOT mine, I just found a pic that fits perfectly to Cyan! A little too perfect

---------------------------Orange POV---------------------------

"What the-?" I said when I heard storage crates falling. I walked over to the area and saw the boxes fallen. I look around more where many colors stood and realize Cyan had knocked the boxes down, and he was trapped.

"Cyan?!" I yelled. Almost everyone was there, trying to get the massive boxes off of him. I tried to help but I was the weakest of all the crew, so I couldn't lift the boxes. Red instructed us what to do. Black and purple began to lift off a box off of Cyans' leg. I made sure their grip wasn't going to fail. We repeated the process till all the boxes were off of him.

Yellow ran to his side to check him. 'Please don't be dead' I thought to myself.

"He's alive" Yellow said. We all sighed with relief and Black carried Cyan to Medbay. We followed close behind until they made it to Medbay.

We all left to finish our tasks. I had two left, one in Admin and another in Shields. After Pinks' death I hate going into Shields. I completed the task within Shields and speed-walked over to Admin. Purple and Brown were finishing up putting all the boxes away. 

I waved at them and they waved back resulting in a box dropped on a foot.

"F**k that hurt!" I hear Brown say.

"Language you muffin head!" Purple said. Back on Earth I always watched this Youtuber who was a lot like Purple. Both kind, sweet, silly, and loves muffins. I think the Youtubers name was BadBoyHalo or something like that. Oh how I wish I was back home.

I began to upload the Data from Weapons to HQ. It would take awhile so I thought I could try and use the Admin Table. I booted it up and showed everyones' location. 

Red and Green in Navigation, Cyan, Black and Yellow in Medbay, Brown and Purple in Storage-

"F**K! THAT HURT!" Brown yelled when she dropped a good sized box on her other foot.

"Language you muffin head! And stop dropping boxes!" I hear Purple laugh.

"You're never gonna silence me b**ch!" I hear Brown say as she runs away.

"Oh it's on you stinky muffin head!" Purple says as he runs after Brown.

Those two are the strangest friends on the ship. Purple is a kind, loving, affectionate dooshbag whilst Brown is a serious tough-love and cussing kind of gal. They are funny and stupid together.

Suddenly Comms go out. I groan and walk over but I stop in storage when I hear someone. 

"Turn off the damn lights! You know I can only turn off one at a time!" It was a new voice. Suddenly the lights go out and I run for my life. 

"Tch Tch Tch, looks like we have a stowaway. You'll make a fine meal! I hope you taste like oranges!" I hear someone run after me. I run as fast as I ever could. I needed to find someone! I needed to live!

"Come back here!" I hear them say. They're getting closer, but, because I couldn't see, I tripped and fell.

"N-no! S-stay away! Please don't k-kill me!" I was a stuttering mess. I hear them come closer. I start to kick the air and fling my arms.

"Oyh! Stop it you almost hit me!" I hear them say. At this point I'm huddled into a ball on the floor.

"P-please~" I whisper.

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