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------------------------Blacks' POV------------------------

I walked around. The green one is on to me, I'll have to kill him soon. I'd hate for more crewmates to come on, especially since they needed the extra help.

I walk to storage, perhaps Cyan is feral and I'll finally see what he can do. White used to make me go to the other side of the ship or hide in the vent when ever this time rolled around, so I never got to see Cyan as his Imposter form. I never really understood why I let White push me around. Maybe because he became my friend?

I walk over to the tile to the hidden room. Cyan should still be in here. If he left I would've heard him.

I slowly open the small hole to the room and looked in. I didn't see anyone.

"Ey, Cyan you there?" I call out into the room. No response. Huh his skills are better than I thought, good thing I won't be bothered without him around.

I put the tile back and walk around. I sniff for his scent. Strange, I've memorized his scent, so why can't I smell it?

I walk out a bit more, I really was excited because he thought I never knew about him. I get what I want when ever I want.


I grip my helmet. I don't want to think about her right now.

After a second I continue walking around. Purple is no where in sight and Green locked himself in his room. As much as I'd love to kill him right now, I'd love to see Cyan more. I check out each room until I heard faint crying from one of the rooms.

I place my helmet against the door.

"You're going to tell me what you are, why you are here, and how many have you killed" I hear Red say. Red? Who is she talking to?

"Well-" CYAN! I bang on the door. He stops and I hear nothing from the room. Not even Reds' shuffling.

"Cyan open the door!" I try to hide my anger. I really hoped to see Red die to Cyan.

"Open the godd*mn door Cyan!" I yell. I hear Green groan from his room and I hear Purple walk from Admin.

I bang on the door louder and I hear movement from inside. I hear a beep.

"Now?! Now of all times?!" I hear Red say. What's going on in there? What is she yelling about?

Soon Purple comes into view. I stand back from the door and walk off. My nails are mere centimeters from cutting the suit. I really need to calm down, and Now.

I walk over to Medbay. I shut the doors to try to calm myself. What was Red talking about?!


Not now... Now is not the time to face that. I don't know why it's coming up now.


I growl. I take off my helmet and slam it on the bed. I grip my hair.

"Please... Not now." I say to myself.


"No..." I cover my face trying to hold back tears.

"Remember, they did this to her. Kill them all and get back to the Planet. I can deal with this there." I say.


A tear falls from my eye. I can't handle it anymore. I let my sobs fill the room. I try to keep it as quiet as I can.

"Black? Where'd you go buddy?" I hear Purple looking for me. He passes Medbay and I stop my noise. I don't want to alert him. I know. Get back to the room. Cyan won't be there.

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