A Deal

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I'm back boi... 

Sorry for being late!!!


"What?!" Black says startled. He follow Cyan as they run and I keep up. I stay at the doorway as I watch them approach the massive creature.

"W-what is that?!" Green says. I didn't notice it, but everyone is here watching.

------------------------Black's POV Booooooooooooiiiiiii!!!------------------------

Infront of me stands an Alpha. I didn't notice it before. A Yellowgray alpha.

"Are you the new Alpha, hybrid?" The 7 foot tall creature asks.

"I am, this place is under my protection, so I hope we can resolve what ever you have come for without death." Cyan says. The tall creature stares at him.

"You are a hybrid, you are not Polision, and you are unworthy of being Alpha. You don't talk like us, nor look like us. I'd advise you to give up your role and hand over Colony Veroca." The beast says. I instantly step in.

"What?! No, you cannot take the role of an Alpha that has fought and had won! I was the old Alpha, and now I am the Beta. I've seen and know the rules. You didn't have a problem with me, so why do you have a problem with Cy- my Alpha?" I say to the other Alpha. It looks over to me and glares.

"I had no problem with you because you were strong. You fought and I watched, and you killed many. Your power is strong, how did you fall to this thing?" It explains. I freeze up at the mention of thing. Being called a thing on Polus is saying a extremely racist slur and is extremely mean. Cyan doesn't know, so he isn't as effected.

"Come now, we don't have to figh-" Cyan starts to say something before the Yellowgrays tail swings him into the rocks.

"CYAN!" Me and Red screech. I hold my hand up and stop Red from coming over. I run over to Cyan and see his helmet shattered, littering his face in cuts.

He stands up, takes off his broken helmet and glares at the Polision while spitting out blood.

"So you want to fight, hm?" Cyan challenges. I stare at him in disbelief.

"Cyan no!" I whisper to him.

"I do, thing, you are unworthy of being Alpha." It says.

"Then challenge me, go ahead." Cyan growls, walking to him.

"Polus Alpha of the Colony Veroca, I challenge you for the role of Alpha!" The Polision screeches before running to Cyan. He doges just in time.

"I accept." Cyan says before going all out.

"RED! The lights!" I yell to Red. She nods and opens her tablet, before shutting off the lights. Our auto flashlights come on. I point mine to the Polision.

I've seen Cyans tactic, he uses shadows. He can sneak up and slash you. I bet he's going to tease this Alpha too.

"Come out, creature! The darkness will not help you!" The Polision says.

"Oh, I think it will" Cyan snarls and the Alpha, before suddenly coming out and slashing the Polision on the side. It roars in pain and blood pools from the cut.

All is silent except the growls of the Polision and the blood sizzling in the air.

"Come out and fight, thing!" It screams into the darkness. Just like before, Cyan jumps out and slashes the Polision, this time on the back, cutting off one of its appendages. The Polision screams louder and slashes the air, striking Cyan on pure luck.

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