Pink Blood

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I peek from around the corner of the machines and look at Lime. I sigh and walk up to him. He's acting strange, he isn't as cheerful as usual. I look at him and he stares back. I feel his gaze, something must be wrong.

"A-are you two.... A-a thing, Red?" Lime asked shyly. I stare back at him, puzzled by his question. I nod a 'no' and he walks off. Strange. A thing? Like a couple? Oh no, we're not a couple.

I wander the halls of the ship, my tasks all done. Lime avoids me when I get close. I walk to the sleeping quarters out of boredom and I sit on my bed and mumble words. I lay down and continue mumbling sounds that almost sounded like words. After what felt like hours, I finally said a word. 

"Red" I said. I sat up and continued to say my name. I was happy and I left for medbay. I entered the room and got yellows attention.

"What's up? Is something wrong?" She asks. I, with a massive smile on my face, say my name.

"Red! You can say your name! How? I thought you wouldn't be able to speak for another month!" She says excitingly.

We start to practice other words, and soon I could say the sentence "Hi, My name is Red!" I was so happy, I was finally able to speak again.

Soon dinner rolled around and me and yellow left for the cafeteria. We sat down as Cyan handed out the food. Because of the meal he made a few weeks back, Cyan was made the chef and made meals for the crew everyday.

I looked over to Lime with a concerned look on my face, I hope he is ok. Somehow Cyan ended up at the seat next to my right, so he sat down playfully. We all ate our food and headed for the baths.

I go to the last stall and turn on the water. Even though I trust the girls here with me, I still don't want them to look at me. I clean myself and see pink walk out. Huh, pink usually isn't the 1st one to be done.

After we're done the men go in, Cyan was the last to enter and I didn't see Black. I was a bit worried, but remembered that Cyan didn't kill anyone. I'm starting to think that Cyan tricked white into thinking he was an Imposter, but the first two encounters say otherwise. Maybe he was pressured into killing?

My thoughts roam my mind as I lay down in my bed. I didn't notice Yellow enter my room.

"Wanna try some more?" She startled me and I sit up. I attempt to say a yes and she chuckled. We spend about 40 minutes saying "words" until bedtime came. 

Yellow left my room and I lay back down on my bed. I let thoughts wander my head once more until I notice pink didn't go to bed. We're roommates so I think about pink for awhile until I get up to look for her.

I wander the halls of the Skeld, looking for pink. I start to get a bad feeling as soon as I enter shields. I look around until I see a red spot next to the vent. I stare. Not again. I fall to my knees and crawl to the red area. The smell of blood was in the air. I lift up the small vent and gag at the sight before me. There lied pinks crushed body within.

I get up and run to cafeteria. I loom over the button, but I don't press it. My heart is racing and my mind is telling me to get Cyan. Why Cyan of all people? Why not Lime? Why not Yellow? Why Cyan?

"Red?" It was Cyans voice. I stare at him. I guess luck was on my minds side.

"What's wrong?" He sounds like he just woke up. I rush by him and grab his hand. He flinches and I drag him to shields.

When we enter I pin him on the wall and point to the vent with a expression of 'Why did you do this?' written all over my face even though he can't see my face. He stares at me then looks at the vent. 

"Oh no...." He says. He stares at the blood.

"I-I didn't do this Red! I didn't do this! I just woke up because I wanted a drink!" He says. 

He really sounds like he's telling the truth, but he's an Imposter! He has to be! There was a tongue the 1st two times and It chocked me! And he was told to kill me by white! But..... The 1st time I did hear him he did sound different... Maybe I was light-headed because he choked me for a long time? No! He killed pink! But he didn't kill me... Well, that's just because he wants a alibi! He's a liar! A monster! A killer! H-he's an Imposter!!!!

The battle in my mind gets worse. Is he an Imposter or not? I'm still pinning him on the wall. Even though I can't see through his helmet, I know that he's either smiling or scared. I'm scared, I don't want to die. 

I let go and run to the button. I expected him to run after me, to kill me. But.... He didn't. He just stood there as I ran. Instead of running to the button, my legs take me to my room. I lock the door and cry on pinks bed. Why her? I know she was a butthole but she was still my friend! Who did this? Cyan did it! Cyan killed pink! Right?

I hear the door open and I look over. My helmet off and my eyes waterfalls. I can't really see, but I do see the person who opened the door. 

"Get out" I try to say, but not even the sounds come out. I lean my head back on pinks bed and cry again. The person walks over and puts a hand on my back. I feel that I'm that kid again. The kid that cried over their parents body. Truth be told, pink was almost like a mother to me, since my mom died when I was 7.

"Red? What's wrong?" It was black. I'm glad it was black and not Cyan. He pulls me close and I cry into his shoulder. Why'd it have to be pink? Of all people. I cry harder and he rubs my back.

"Red, look at me" I look at him with my wet face. His helmet was off. 

"Breath with me, c'mon breath" I try to calm my breathing and stop crying. 

"Good girl" He smiles. The smile hurts. Everything hurts. I lean back on him when I'm calm. He hugs me and I fall asleep. They'll know when I wake up. They'll know.

(1153 Words)


Sorry it took so long, I was busy with school and I don't really where to take this. I got the end ready, but not the middle lol. I'll post again soon, so I can't wait. I thank ya'll and I'll be back!


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