Going Home

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I woke up to see that Cyan was gone. I groan, thinking maybe it was just a dream. But it felt so real. I sit up and look at Meerkat at the foot of my bed.

I walk out of my room to see everyone is gone. I wonder for a bit before seeing Green happily jogging over.

"Green, what's up?" I ask, putting on my Helmet. He stops and smiles widely.

"Cyan came back from the dead! Also, the Airship is coming to take us home!" Green says, smiling like a kid that just got candy. I stare at him, shocked, then smile. It wasn't a dream!

"Awesome! Cyan's back and we can go home!" I say happily. My chest hurts when I say that. Home. Where I've killed countless Humans, a criminal and feared. Is it my home? I follow Green to the tree. I notice that Black and Cyan are there, talking. Green smiles at me before walking off.

"Well, seems like Cyan is alive," I say, catching the two Imposters off guard. Black looks over Cyans' shoulder and smiles.

"Yep! Cyan has agreed to stay here on Polus and make friendships with other humans!" I fake a smile. It hurts more now. Leaving Cyan, going back to a place I don't belong. Maybe Polus is my home?

"That's awesome!" I say. Black chuckles quietly before walking out, shutting the doors behind him. Cyan smiles softly at me, noticing my mood.

"You okay rose?" Cyan asks gently. I sigh and shake my head.

"I don't want to leave, I'm a bad person on Earth, and I'd leave you. I feel like Polus is my home, but everyone is expecting me to go with them. I-I just don't know what to do." I say to him. He looks at me before smiling. I look at him in confusion. He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck.

"I was planning on asking you and the others if you could stay. Black's gonna leave, so I'd need someone to help me, even if they're not Polision." I stare at him for a moment before bursting out with a wide smile.

"Of course I would stay!" I couldn't contain my happiness and jumped up and hugged him. I squeeze him tight before letting go.

"Let's go tell the others now," I say to him. He nods and follows me to Medbay. I didn't want to push the button, so I'd tell everyone one on one. Soon, I came to the 'Survivors of Hell' group and internally took a breath.

"Hi everyone!" I say happily. The group turns around and greets me as well.

"What did you need Red?" White asks. I tell him that I've chosen to stay on Polus, since I really didn't have a home back on Earth and someone needs to keep the base in check. The group smirks at me.

"Suuuuurrrreeeee" Green says winking to the others. They giggle and say they're fine with me staying. Green pulls me aside.

"I've decided I'm going to retire, for good this time. No more acting and pretending to be a random green." Green confesses. I smile at him.

"I'm glad you've chosen this, I hope you have a happy life back on Earth." Green smiles at me and nods. Me and Cyan then walk to the other people on the base, telling them. They all smirk at me and Cyan. Was I that obvious?

Soon, it was time for them to leave. I gave them salutes and hugs and had them line up.

"It has been quite a while, hasn't it? Going from fearing for our lives to being the first crew to befriend the Imposter threat. It has been an honor to be your captain, and most of all, your friend." I start tearing up, and I take a quiet breath of air.

"Safe travels, Polus Team of the Skeld," I say, crying quietly. I see that they're all saying goodbye as well. I decide to say their true names.

"Farewell, Atticus, Zoroto, Jason, Black Jack, Diago, Jay, and Gold" They all say goodbye, and enter the shuttle. I watch as they take off, heading back to Earth.

-------------------------------------------3 Years Later-------------------------------------------

Cyan announced that I was his lover, or Mate, and the very large colony accepted me quickly. Cyan created a nest in the old base, and we had 2 little kids. Somehow.

Black made a life back on Earth, as a whole new person with Yellow. The two did fall in love on the Skeld, and Black is happily living with Yellow.

Blue, or Jack, made some choices, regretting the hate he showed to me and Cy. He ended up becoming the leader of over 20 missions, and became a proud MiraHQ commander, earning him the color name Navy.

The Survivors of Hell group still stuck together, and ended up living as roommates and worked as space teachers.

Lime became, somehow, the best cook at Mira, and earned the name Neon Green, but prefers Lemon.

And as for I? I made connections to MiraHQ, and established peace between the colonies. I ended up making an interstellar highway, connecting the two planets to each other. Polisions that survived old missions confessed, and while they were punished, they now live happily on ships that travel the galaxy.

So much has changed, and even after the crew had died, our names were remembered for years.

Oh, and as for the ghosts? They enjoy haunting the 1st Skeld, and freak out the crew on it...


(1007 Words)

Thank you so much for reading. It's been a long time, hasn't it? From October to July, Awakening Love was some cheesy story I made up. I now am a good writer, made my way into many contests, winning a few of them, and becoming an inspired person who enjoys reading many books. I can't thank you enough to read my very first attempt at a large book. As we, or I, speak, I am writing a fanfic on a person in the CreepyPasta world. I thank you so much for reading, and I shall see you on the other side!


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