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I sat on the floor, covered in blood and a lime suited body next to me. In my arms was a red astronaut that was sleeping. I looked down at the astronaut, seeing that it was crying. My legs were asleep, so it took me a few minutes to get up.

I held the astronaut in my arms as I walked over to the bed. I sat down on the bed to warm it up a bit, then I placed the red astronaut into the bed. I took off its helmet and wiped a tear from it's eye. I got up and began cleaning up the body of the lime colord astronaut and myself, seeing as the a*shole kill it.

As I did I let my thoughts roam. I thought about the 1st time me and Red met, how it lost its voice, and that I saved it 3 times. I remember that I killed white, and that I hear Lime when he was supposed to kill the red astronaut the day it lost its voice. Then I remembered about the bastard Alpha that I needed to respect. 

I snap back into reality as I hear sniffles from the bed. I look over to see the red astronaut crying in it's, no, her sleep. I walk over and touch the red astronaut and she whimpered. I suddenly felt the urge to get in bed and snuggle with it, but why?

I lift my hand off of her shoulder but something grabs it. I look back to see the red astronaut holding my hand and snuggling with it. I felt bad leaving her, so I sat in bed as she snuggled against me. Soon I start to feel tired and lay in bed with her, that of which she pulls me closer. I feel weird as I drift off to a fake sleep. It's going to happen again soon.

I wake up with a red astronaut, extremely close. I slowly get out and shake her shoulder. I look at the time and saw.... 9 am?! We were supposed to wake up 3 hours ago! I shake the red astronauts shoulder and she starts to wake up.

"Mhmm, what?" She was sleepy.

"Red astr- Red, come on we need to do tasks" I say, then HE shows up.

"Get up you two, Cyan, come with me." They said.

"Yes sir" I look back at Red and walk with the astronaut in front of me.

"I know what your are, at least I think." They said when we enter security.

"You're not human, nor imposter. But I know when you'll black out again, so follow me to find a safe spot for you to sleep." How did he know? I mean I have been forced to work with him before but how did he know about that?

"How did you kno-" He cuts me off and shows me to a area in storage. I watch as he pulls off one of the large files covering the fool leading down to a small room.

"This is where you will go when it's time, and the rest will be taken care of" I watch as he walks away. I look back down to the room and climb down into it. I put the tile back on and explored the room with the small lamp in the corner. 

3 beds, 8 storage containers, a screen listing all of the ships data, and a secret window.

Looks good, though I'm still worried on how he knew. 

I leave the room and as I put the tile back on I see Red enter Admin.

I decided to go and see how she is doing, she took limes murder pretty hard. I looked in the doorway again and guarded her, watching out for the Imposter. Soon I felt her coming closer and I turned to see her.

"T-thanks for staying by me last night. Lime said you were a good guy, so I've decided to hang out with you." I nod my head and I follow her around, protecting her from what ever harm may come.

Soon she finished up with her tasks and we left for cafeteria. We talked about stuff and she felt sad about her friends deaths. How she hopes to survive, and how to kill the other imposter. She wants it to be painful, and she scared me a bit. Soon it reached 4pm, so I had to cook something. I went to the kitchen as Red stayed behind waiting for dinner. I thought about what I should make. Chicken Parm-Stuffed Spaghetti Squash. That should be good. Soon 6pm rolled around and everyone sat down to eat. Little did they know, I knew something the rest didn't and I made something.

After everyone eats, I walk up to Purple and ask him to follow me to admin. He says ok and he follows me. I tell him to stay and I walk back cafeteria. I stand up with everyone looking at me.

"Everyone" I say, I don't talk often so they know something is going to happen.

"Today is someone's birthday, so I made a cake." Everyone gasps, excited to finally have fun. Even Red smiles. I tell everyone what to do. 

"Green will bring out the cake, Red will bring Purple back, and everyone else will hide." I explain. Everyone agrees and we get into place. I linger behind green making sure we have everything to cut and eat.

I dim the lights and Red leads purple to cafeteria.

"Umm, where is everyone?" Purple asks. I wait a bit longer so he can get a bit worried.

"Where is everyone??" I give the signal and everyone jumps out of their spots.

"Surprise!!!" We all say in sync. Purple yelps and smiles, we all laugh and green comes out with New England Spider Cake. We sing and cat the cake, having a good time. While everyone talks I tell Red to get something Pink would've wanted purple to have.

She leaves for her room and soon comes bac holding a small present. Everyone looks over and Red hands purple the gift.

"Pink wanted you to have this Purp" Red says as purple unwraps the gift.

As soon has he sees it he starts to cry. Everyone helped him. I look over at the gift and see it was a pair of teddy bear ears. He puts them on and the rest of the night we have a good time. 

I wake up in my bed. I barely remember anything from last night. I get up and almost fall. I was caught by Black, my roommate.

"Thanks" I growl at him. I don't like him.

"Why are you mad so early in the morning? Especially when I just saved you too!" He said with a smirk. I hate him very much.

"I would've sustained no physical damage other than a scrape and maybe a bump." Black stares at me and it makes me angry. 

"Don't... Don't say that if you don't want to be sused out. You know that is you talk other worldly then they'll eject you." Black says annoyingly. I'm pretty sure I angered him a bit. I walk out and leave for cafeteria.

I walk over to the kitchen and make something small for me to eat. I sat on the seats eating my raspberry danish. Soon I started to feel sick again. I needed to warn them, to warn her. The red astronaut, something about her makes me hate myself when she crys and happy when she smiles. I hate but love it.

Soon everything starts to get blury. I get up and bump into some boxes causing a loud sound. Soon everyone gathers around me and I fall to the ground. Everyone panicks and I black out.


Sorry it took so long. I had a plan but it fell and I had to restart it. Not to mention school. Hope you like it, I'm planning on doing something to reveal a LOT about Red hehe. Ight ima head to bed and die for another week. I'll try to post sooner!


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