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"Hey Cyan!" I look over my shoulder to see Purple running down the halls.

"HEY! No running in the halls!" Yellow shouts. I chuckle a bit at the purple astronaut.

"Cyan! Christmas is today! And it's snowing! On MIRA-182940DA!" He says through pants.

"Christmas?" I ask.

"You don't know Christmas?" He asks after he stands up right.

"No no, I do know what it is. Its' just I haven't done 'Christmas' since I was 6." I respond.

"Since you were 6?! Man we need to change that!" I see Black and Pink walk out of O2. I hear them talking about girls and planets. I raise my brow at them.

"And then, they called her a b***h!" The duo laughs.

"Language!" Purple yells at them. They stop laughing. Purple glares at them. While Pink looks confused, Black is just chuckling.

"He doesn't like swear words." I say. Pink nods and the duo walk away.

"Right, back to Christmas. Why did you stop?" Purple asks. I turn my head away. 


"Oh sorry man! So sorry never mind just forget about the questi-"

"I was hurt a lot on Christmas day. My parent told me it was my gift." I choke out. I sigh and turn my head back to Purples' direction.

"O-oh. Well, I promise that this Christmas will be the best Christmas you can have k?" He says softly. I nod and he grabs my hand. I flinch and he drags me to Cafeteria. He lets' go and presses the button on the table.

Soon everyone shows up. Mainly by running. Jack, as I've learned, is walking. A massive smile is plastered on his face.

"What happened?! Did someone die?!" White says. Jack counts aloud and no one died.

"Not yet." I hear Black say under his breath. No one could hear him but me. Perks of being a Imposter Hybrid I guess.

"Guys! Cyan hasn't had a good X-Mas since he was 6! He gave up the holiday cause his parents were poor and they didn't want to spend money, and he's kept the habit ever since! So lets' make sure this will be the best Christmas he's ever had!" Purple says happily. I thought he would tell them. He's a good liar and a good friend.

"No X-Mas for years?!" Black asks.

"One, because of you." I say under my breath. Black looks at me and chuckles.

"Guys. I have good news. Look outside." Jack stands up and we follow him. He shows us to a new ship on the Drop Pad.

"This is going to take us to the surface, we're the longest lasting crew that has ever lived since Imposters came and they want to send us down to study the snow. They hope that because we've lived longest that our luck will pull out and we'll come back from the trip." Jack says.

"Oh and also!" He runs over to a box. Inside is filled with Christmas themed hats. We all choose our hats. 

Me and Green walk into the Skeld to collect our hats. Green pulls Devil horns out of somewhere, while I wear my scarf and my Black hat.

We walk back out and Purple added a tree onto his head, right next to his bear ears.

"Ey! Where ya'll get those hats?" Black asks. He has reindeer antlers on.

"We had them in our stash of stuff." I respond. Green nods nervously.

I look over and see Red. She pulls out a Santa hat and puts it on. I stare at her and her laughing self.

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