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The artwork is made by me. I'm brand new to digital art, and have only done a few dragons so humans suck. This is a recreation of Red. I'll do Black next. Hope you like it!


"NOW LANDING ON POLUS" I said through the ships speakers. Everyone was in their rooms, and me and my second were seated in Navigation, watching as we slowly fall to the alien planet.

"I can't believe we're here, Red" Jack said. Despite a O2 person, he can fly pretty well. I guess he was originally trained to be a pilot.

"Yeah, and to be captain of the ship that'll land is a whole other story." I say, making Jack snicker. I turn my attention at him, glaring at him. He just smiles and jerks the ship a bit to the right. I shriek and look back to the steering wheel.

"JACK!" I shout, trying to steady us. He just starts to laugh. I growl.

"Jack you idiot! We could've died!" I yell at Jack, who looked like he felt guilty, despite laughing hard.

I glare at Jack one more time before lowering the Skeld onto the launch pad. My hands start to shake a bit, making me sweat even more. Jack gets up and looks out the window.

"Lower" He commands me. I slowly land the ship. When the metal hitting metal is heard, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Nice job Reddo! I'm going to go get the others ready now. Remember to put on the new suit!" Jack shouts at me while he runs out. I laugh a little bit. He's just like a little kid.

I get up and out of my seat, and walk over to Black and Cyans' room. I knock a bit before the door opens. I walk in and close the door. I turn around and smile at the two trembling Imposters.

"You're a horrible driver!" Black says. I chuckle and shake my head.

"The shaking was Jack, not me. Now, both of you get your suits on. We got a new design." I say before walking out. I hear Cyan and Black shouting at me and I laugh. I walk over to my room and knock on the door.

"Hey Jack, you dressed?" I ask. I hear rustling inside and see a new suited Jack come out.

"Yep!" He says and runs out. I nod and walk inside, closing the doors. I hear Jack shouting at the others to hurry up. I laugh slightly and grab my new suit. Being the only girl is rough, so having a suit with breast protecting on it is awkward. I cringe at the thought.

While I put on the suit, I wonder why we need a helmet with such a big visor. I also wonder why we have patches of extremely hard fabric, almost like metal on part of the suit. I guess these suits were designed for other worldly projects, such as this one.

I sigh as I put on the new suit, its colors fitting my name. I look in the mirror with the new helmet.

"Odd" I whisper before walking out. Almost instantly Jack grabs my arm and drags me to the door. He's jumping up and down. I slap his hand away and he joins the rest of the group.

"Alright listen everyone!" I say. They turn their attention to me, and I wave my hand so that they straighten their posture.

"Today, we're going to be the first people on a alien planet named Polus, with creatures that may or may not be hostile. I would recommend extreme caution, and only leave the buildings to travel to the other areas. We will be exploring the planet for the 1st day as an entire group, so splitting off is a no go. Stay together, it would be ideal to stay alive." I explain. The crew nod their heads and salute. I salute back and grin.

"Right, everyone line up. We'll take a professional picture then a pic with any position." I say. Everyone gets into their places and stand straight. I step in front of Black and Cyan, who are in the middle. I smile to Cyan before nodding to Jack to start the picture.

He runs over and starts the camera, before running back and standing next to me. I stand tall and proud as the camera takes the picture. I smile as everyone then gets fancy, goofy, you name it. I raise my arms up and squat, laughing with the rest of the crew. The picture takes and we all fall over and laugh.

After a few minutes of us on the ground laughing, I get up and walk over to the camera. Everyone else waits by the door.

I look through the 2 pictures and chuckle at how strange we look in the 2nd one. I give Jack the camera and walk in front of the door.

"Ready everyone?" I ask. They all respond saying they're ready. I open the door and shiver at the sudden cold of the planet. We walk out and look around.

"Home sweet home" I hear Black mumble, making Cyan punch him lightly in the arm. I chuckle at their attitude. I walk over to the rocks around us. The crew stay close.

"Right everyone, you are permitted to travel around. Stay in groups, we'll split into 2.  Green, Cyan, Black, Yellow, and me. Lemon, Purple, Brown, White, and Jack. Do not stray from you group. My group will take the left side, Jacks' will take the right. Have fun and stay safe." With that everyone splits into their groups and walk to their areas. The people in my group stand protectively around each other.

We explore the left side, testing the cameras and seeing the tree. We see that this side is in pretty bad shape. When leaving the exit to the O2 area Cyan seems to flinch. I wonder why he flinched until I tense. Black does as well. It seems Yellow and Green felt it too because they huddled closer together and look around.

"Why is there one here now?" Black whispers to Cyan. Yellow looks over to them while I stay looking ahead to the barren rocky landscape.

"I don't know!" Cyan responds. Green seems to notice their conversation and was about to say something until Yellow cut him off.

"What one? What's here?" Yellow whispers. Black was about to respond before I cut him off.

"A Polision" I say.


(1080 Words)

I am so so sorry for being so late. Family stuff and a new school schedule. Sorry bout that. I'm very happy that I was finally about to get this out. I can't decide whether I should do Reds POV, Cyans POV, Blacks POV, ect. Whos' POV should I do? Sorry for being late, and when I get an POV answer I'll start of the next one immediately. Once more, sorry, and have a nice day or night.


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