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I wake up at 5,39 AM, 21 minutes before everyone wakes. I get up and stretch, and go to cafeteria for breakfast. I sit down and heat up pre-made food. The food reminded me of last night's meal. I thought the white powder was poison, but I guess it's a seasoning from where Cyan came from. 

I was thinking about stuff, eating and drinking. Then I remembered what White told me, to go to comms to meet whoever "him" is. I guess it's an Imposter trap, but White can't be the Imposter, can he? I finish up and walk over. I enter the room and look around. I notice that the task here wasn't done. I groan and start it, it was my least favorite task. I hear footsteps and I look up.

Suddenly the lights went off. Startled, I fall into papers and a chair. I make a noise and look around. I get up and move to the door. I trip on something and land face first into something soft and warm. I get back up and look around. I know that someone is going to maybe kill me again.

"Go on... kill her. You failed the 1st two times." It sounded like whites voice. He was the imposter? But who is with him??

A arm grabs on my suit and I'm lifted in the air. Not choking, but still in the air. Who ever is holding me is strong. I look at the arm and it's suit is white. White is an imposter. Huh, who knew? I didn't, that's for sure. 

I look back at the darkness, trying to find the other person. White said that there was another. Who is it? Black? Brown? Orange? Cyan??

"Oh come on... You know you can't like her! I'll take care of green if you kill her. She is right here, just kill her!" White says to the other imposter. Who ever they are, they're hesitating. 

"Finish her off or I will. You are 'special', so just kill her!" This time white is yelling.

"Fine" It was the same voice that caused me to lose my voice. The same voice that couldn't kill me.

White lets go of me and I fall to the ground. I look around. I can't make a loud sound, so I just shuffle away from the duo and hide under the desk.

"Pathetic" White says.

The other imposter comes close to me and I shuffle back further. They grab me on my wrist and pull me close. 

"Don't worry, for some reason I can't kill you the 1st time, and now I've made sure I can't kill you." They say quietly. 

"Just follow my lead" They pull me out from under the desk and hold me in the air. They squeeze my neck, I guess they're pretending to choke me. 

"Harder" White commands. The man 'choking' me looks at white, pulls out a knife, and stabs him.

Whites hissed and roars, opening us to reveal tentacles and teeth with a large tongue. White is slashing at the man and me. They lets go of me and I back away. The roar is the same one I hear when I sleep. I hear it every night. They cut at White and it hisses, I know what blood feels like and I know when is it here. I can sense it for some reason. I can sense the man slashing at whites' blood. I can't smell, see, nor sense Whites' blood.

After what felt like hours, what used to be white finally stops moving. It's dead. The lights turn on and I see the body. I was right, no blood. I look at who saved me. 

"You ok?" It was Cyan. Cyan saved me. The one who I thought was my attempted killer was my attempted killer, but was now my savor. I look at him, he stares at me. I nod and he grabs my wrist.

"Follow me, we need to get white into the trash." I nod again and he leads me to the table and lets me slam the button. He runs to medbay and everyone comes to the table. He comes back last after cleaning his blood off of himself.

"What Red? Where's White?" Brown says.

I type on my tablet "White was a imposter, he tried to kill me but he dropped his knife, so I killed him before he killed me."

Everyone reads it and looks at me. Cyan gets up and walks to comms. Bad move. Moments later he drags the body back, tentacles and teeth, the monster of White.

Everyone gasps at the body and talks. Cyan sits back down and looks around. White is a monster, a thing unlike any other. Everyone then looks at Cyan, then at me. 

"How did Cyan know where the body was?" Orange and Green asked.

"He saw me fight with White and ran to medbay to get stuff for me" I type.

"But the lights were out, how did he see you?" Pink asks.

"The lights were out?" Yellow says. 

"He must've seen the white coloring of his suit and went to grab stuff stuff because it looked like we're were attacking each other, which we were." I type. I didn't want Cyan to die because he saved me and could save the rest of the crew.

Cyan nods nervously, I could tell. I've done it for a month.

"Cyan and Red sus" Green says.

"Sus?" Black asks

"Sus, I came with it because suspicious sounds too long" Green says.

"Oh ok." Black looks at me and so does the crew.

"Well Red, I guess your no longer co-captain. You're our commander." Black says. He sounds sad. White and him were friends.

I would've been proud, if it didn't happen because of the White monster.

"What do we do? The Imposter is dead and the voting system made for the reason of Imposters is useless." Orange asks

"I guess we skip?" Pink answers.

"Skip" I type.

Everyone agrees and skips. We go back to our tasks and Cyan follows me to Electrical. As soon as we are in Cyan shuts the door and leans on a wall. I pull out my tablet.

"You can speak, you don't need that tablet anymore." He says and I look at him with confusion.

"You just need to try, you should be fine." I stare at him, I can't speak, can I?

I mumble sounds under my breath, I doubt him very much. I can't speak. I look down at the floor. 

"Try to say my name" He suggests.

Say his name? No no no I can't speak! He walks up to me and pats my helmet.

"Try it"

He takes off my helmet and puts it on the floor. I'm ok in looks. I have red hair with silver eyes and thin eyebrows with the slightest of freckles. I cut my hair to shoulder length for the Skeld, but it has grown and few inches. 

He takes off his helmet and I stare. Never have I seen a guy look so good. He has blond hair which is long on top and short on the sides with some scruff and thin eyebrows, thicker than mine though. He has sapphire eyes with a scar across his nose.

I think I might've blushed because he smiled.

"Go on, try to talk" He says

I nod no, but he urges me to speak

"I don't want to take the hard way, but I can kill you at any time, so just at least make a single word" He glared at me. Scared, I did what he said. I mouth the words and try my best to shape the sounds I make. I facepalm at how embarrassing this is.

He helps me out and smiles. God he looks cute. R-right! Speak! He's an Imposter! He can kill me if I don't speak! But.... I think I'm just doing this so I can talk to him. We keep mouthing the words, but the door opens. Me and Cyan hide behind the wall of the machines and we put our helmets back on. He gives me a thumbs up and walks out. Little did I know, Lime saw us.....

(1378 words)

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