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I wanted to scream, to think that the storys were real, that I'll die right there, right now. The tongue started to move closer to my neck, but I run away before it could get around my neck. I banged on the door, shouting. I don't know why I didn't scream, screaming might've made me live. I turn around to face the killer, but the darkness shielded him. 

"P-please, d-don't kill me please" I say quietly while I get grabbed on the neck. I'm lifted into the air, the tongue choking me. I close my eyes, ready to die. And to think, I thought the storys were false, that I wanted to go here. And yet, to be the first to die. 

"Please" gasping for air. I couldn't take it, I was floating in the air while my killer watches me choke.

The tongue lets me go and I fall to the ground, gasping for air. I look around to see the killer, but the darkness was still shielding him. I hear a few steps black, and a whimper. He was... Hesitating? Why? Why didn't he kill me?

"Why can't I kill you?! You're nothing but a human!" The man yelled at me. His voice is soothing, if he wasn't the killer, I'd feel safe when he talks. 

"Why?! Why can't I f**king kill you?!" I hear him bang his helmet. I look around, trying to find his color.

"F**k. I guess you'll live this time Red." He slides into a vent and the doors behind me open.

"Red?! Are you ok?! I heard you bang on the door!" It was lime, I felt safe by him.

I couldn't speak, I was stunned. I try to speak, my face still facing the darkness of the room. Nothing. Guess I was mute then.

"Red! Your neck! You're bleeding! C'mon we need to get you to the medbay!" Lime forces me up and drags me to medbay. Yellow, the only docter we have, is shocked to see me. Blood all over my suit and my voice gone. The tongue had cut right through the fabric, and here I was, thinking it was fine.

"W-what the hell happened? Why is Red bleeding! Lime help me get her into a bed!" Yellow says as she and lime help me get into a bed. I lie there, my eyes are slowly closing, my breath fading and my life leaving me. 

The last thing I hear if yellow calling for the others, and limes words to hang on, to live. I close my eyes as I drift off. Either a sleep of death of a state of silence. I thought I'd die from the killer, but now, I'll die to my blood.

"Red"..... The voice echo's in my head. 

"Red" the voice is getting louder. 

"Red!" I wake up, alive. Lime is crying over me and yellow is watching me. She reassures lime that I'm alive. I hear the beeping of my heart on the machines attached to me. The beeping is slow, and I know I'm on the brink of death.

"She needs to rest lime! Leave her be! I'll be with her!" Yellows says as she trys to drag lime away from me. Although it takes awhile, lime finally leaves. Yellow shuts the door so I can sleep.

"Red..." Yellow looks at me and she puts on her gloves.

"This will hurt a little, but it will help. We need you Red, white isn't a good Commander, he just tells us what to do. You still do that, but way better, so please...."

She pats my leg as she sticks a needle in my arm.

"Live for us...."

Live for us. The words echo through my head. I was wanted. I was needed. I feel a sharp pain go through my body, but it goes away. I hear blood dripping. Flesh ripping. Screams fading. Crys leaving. This was the way of the impostor. Kill until they stop screaming. Soon all the sounds leave but the blood dripping does not stop. It gets louder. Louder and louder until it stops. I sit in a black void, unable to move. I hear babys crying. I hear people screaming. I hear something roaring. Soon it was only my own screams that filled my head. I wanted to scream, so loud and hard so that someone can hear me. Someone to help me. I start to sob. I was standing up, looking over a child crying next to a body. What is this place that fills me with dread. With pain and sorrow. With love and loss. I stand there. Alone and scared. The void endless and empty. The child and body gone, leaving me the only thing here. I start to cry louder. I sit myself down and cry like that child. A child hurt and dying. Soon I feel something on my shoulder. I grab it and cry into it. It fades away and so do my crys. 

I wake up to a white room. I look around and see yellow. The beeping of the machines start to move faster. I am awake. I am alive. I am needed. I am wanted. I am....



Right what the f**k did I just write?? This did not go to plan lol

Thanks to my awesome friend Black Jack for figuring out what the hell i wrote!

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