Green Lies

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~Greens' POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It's time. Time to tell Red who I truly am. I'm sure that I know who the Imposter is and I hope we'll be able to live together. Ever since I laid eyes on her, I've always had a crush on her. But I think she'll like the act I was playing. She'll like the character. No one knows who I am and how I act. 15 years of lies and acting. At least I saved lives.

We walk into Comms and she stands in the doorway. I sit in a chair and look at her. I grab a box from the wall.

"How long has that been there?" Red asks. I don't respond, instead, I open the box and grab something out of it.

"What do you mean '"time you know who I am"'?" She asks again. I lift the item in the box. A notebook and a pair of Horns. Devil horns. I place them on my head and stand, looking back at Red. She stepped back now, fearing for her life.

"Red.." I say deeply, she's only heard the pitchy excited voice of what I acted like, so when she heard my low depressed true voice, she got scared big time.

"I am not who I am..." I continue. She's standing next to the door ready to run. I don't move.

"I know who the Imposter is, and I need you to answer this question." I say. She stares at me, wondering what I'm going to say.

"Have you heard of... the famous Imposter Hunter DRAGON?" I ask. She looks at me and tilts her head a bit.

"D-DRAGON? No, I thought he retired!" Red says stepping closer. I turn my head to the box and grab a pair of broken armor. I show them to her and she believes me. For 15 years, DRAGON has killed Imposters and saved thousands of lives. 2 years ago it was said that he retired from his sudden disappearance.

"It's really you? Green... you're DRAGON?" She asks. I nod my head and take off the horns. I place the armor and horns into the box and put it back into the wall.

"Don't tell anyone K?" I say in the cheery voice. She's familiar to that one so I hope I don't scare her.

She nods her head and I cross my arms.

"The Imposter is Black. I have my proof, we can vote him out and get him off the ship! We can be saved!" I say excitingly.

"Why did it take you long?" She mumbles.

"Huh?" I ask.

"Why did you take so long to figure it out? I thought he could find an Imposter in less than 3 weeks!" She yells at me.

"The Imposter here is a sneaky one and..." I stop there, now is NOT the time to tell her.

"And what?!" She yells. I hear brown saying black and white. I turn my attention back to Red.

"AND WHAT?!" She yelled louder. I'm shaking. I never thought I would be scared by a girl. Guess that's love for you.

"A-and...." I say, questioning everything. Was it because this Imposter was good at hiding? Or was it because I was blinded by love?

"A-and.... You..." I finally say. It lifts a heavy weight off my shoulders, but puts a even bigger one on them. Will she like me back? Will she hate me for letting the crew die? Will she even say anything?

Silence was all I heard. All my life I loved the silence, but this time it was terrifying. Since when did I get so scared?

"Green" She starts. I look at her with hopeful eyes that she'll like me back.

"I'm not.... I like you as a friend, also as a brother..." She says. 

It broke my heart. To think that I was friend-zoned. Loved like a brother, not as a partner. My stance was droopy. I was broken. My heart in a million pieces, my mind unable to handle this, my body cold and frozen.

Suddenly a gunshot broke me from my trance. Red ran to storage. I didn't move. I didn't want to do anything. Instead I sat on the ground and cried. Never have I been hurt this much, except when my first mission. When the Imposter died.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Reds' POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A gunshot. Someone was killed. Green, no, DRAGON is standing in the room. I run out. What was Brown saying?

My head is racing. All over the fact that the legendary DRAGON liked me, and I friend zoned him. Black is the Imposter, and a gunshot was heard. 

"BROWN! PURPLE!" I scream. It's a short walk to Comms and Storage, so why was it taking so long?

Suddenly I appear next to the boxes. Staring at Purple. I walk over and see it.

"No..." Another one dead. Brown shot herself.

Purple is crying full out. Now that Brown is dead, all his true friends is dead. Then I heard something I never thought I would hear.

"I f**king hate that motherf**king b**ch a*s Imposter." Purple whispered. His voice broke and and he's crying.

1 Imposter left. Black. Purple, Green, Cyan and me. The last crewmates. We can still save ourselves. We can still win.

I pull out my speaker, it's connected to all the speakers on the ship. I was told only to use it in emergencies.

"Attention all crew..." I spoke. The ship echoed with my voice.

"Everyone is to return to their rooms. 3 Deaths happened today and I feel that we're not suited to work today. I will give everyone a week to calm down. Please rest, stay in groups. And stay away from Black." I finish. Purple stands up and walks over to the dorms. I look at my tablet. It has my task list on it. I edit it to have all the tasks of the crew. I'll work to keep this place alive.

----------------Time skip----------------

Almost all the tasks are done. I'm exhausted. I walk over to dorms and look into each room. Everyone is in their respected rooms. I sigh and look back down to my list. 2 left. 

"Inspect samples and scan, ok." I whisper. Green's in his room sleeping. I guessed because of what I said he cried himself to sleep.

I walk over to Medbay and look over to the beds. I don't see Cyan.

"Cyan? Where are you?" I ask quietly.

I wander the ship, calling out his name every so often.

"Cyan?" I call in storage. I hear a growl come from the floor. I lean down.

"Cyan?" I ask. The growl comes back. I crouch on the floor.

"Cyan? Are you in the floor?" I ask. The growl is louder. Suddenly I hear a tile get moved.

"Cyan" I ask. I stand up and look at the black line under the flooring.

I hear a growl again. This time it sounded like it's a growl of hunger.

"I don't know why you're hiding under the floor, but I'll go get something if you tell me why you're there." I ask. The tiles moves a bit more.

"Imposters..... I'm hiding from Imposters." Cyan says. So it is him under there. He voice is raspy.

"There's no need to hide. I'm pretty sure the Imposter is Black." I say. He stays silent, but another growl of hunger can be heard. 

"C'mon, lets' go get some pizza" I say trying to brighten the mood. The tile moves more and he climbs out.

"Wow, oh man Cyan..." He looks famish. He's standing tiredly. 

I walk over and he backs up. I guess he's sus on me. I don't blame him. I'd be sus on me too.

"Follow" I say. I begin to walk to cafeteria and he walks behind me. I feel him coming closer to me. I stop infront of admin. He stops too. I hear a slithering sound and turn around.

 I was right.

Cyan is standing with a mouth and tongue really to kill...

(1339 words)


Well! I was excited for this. My plan is coming together hehehe. Do you think Black is the other Imposter or do you think otherwise? Do you think Red will die? Hehe, lets find out!


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