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Black tenses. He stares me in the eyes. His posture is strong, trying to intimidate me. Not working. I had just challenged Black, I've always dreamed of it and now I have a valid reason. He doesn't want to be Alpha, but his pride doesn't allow anyone to take the spot.

"Cyan? You're challenging Black? Can't we just find another Imposter?" Red asks from afar, scared of us two powerful Imposters.

"Red," I turned my head a little to look at her from the corner of my eye, but still kept my attention on Black. He seemed very mad, yet I can see in his eyes relief.

"There is no other Imposter both stronger and nearby to fight. The only way to get the role as Alpha is to fight others, and I'm the other" I respond. I turn my head to face Black head on.

"Skeld, 12 AM. Don't be late" Black says in Poluson. I nod my head and Black walks away, his signature sly smile on his face as wide as ever.

Suddenly I feel a massive weight on my back, and I stumble a bit but keep my balance.

"Cyan don't do it! Your stories say that he's the strongest one ever! Please don't do it!" Red begs. I flip her around so I can see her. Her helmet is off and she's sniffling, tears threatening to spill out.

"Don't worry, If I get overwhelmed and start to lose, I can play dead when he slashes me. He doesn't know where my weak spot is." I whisper closely to Red. She nods her head and hugs me.

I hug her back, knowing that was just a lie. It's true that he doesn't know where my weak spot is, but I've seen Black during matches. He rips the bodies of every Imposter who challenges me, and if I lose, they he'll rip me apart too.

I hug Red longer, treasuring this moment. Fear is starting to take over me, and I hug Red a bit tighter. She rubs my back and looks up at me. I know what she wants. 

I lean down and kiss her. It's long and slow, just how I like it. She let's go to breath and I stop hugging her. I walk out of the room to a secret room in Reactor. It's a training room. Hopefully Black doesn't know it exists.


It's 11:55 AM. I'm currently in the vents while Red and Yellow are standing in a corner. Red told me earlier that Yellow also know Black is a Imposter, and want to see the fight. He told her nothing else.

I watch as Black walks into the Cafeteria. The crewmates removed the tables, blocking all doors and Red shut down the Skeld. The only light is the red lights above. Red and Yellow are hiding in the airlock.

Black looks around, and I can see him testing the air. By the outfit, I'm guessing it's a normal match. His helmet is still on, but a forced crack is in the top right to the bottom middle. The first helmet I ever saw Black fight in.

Black growls a bit, looking around for me. I watch carefully. I want to see his movements, especially as he walks around. His fists are curled up. His stance is tense. He's moving slow. And he's looking around.

It's officially 12 AM. I slowly climb out of the vent. Despite being a Hybrid, my abilities are far better than any other Imposter. Black is an Infected, meaning he's a normal Imposter, but was once human.

I silently walk around, watching him. I wear a bright suit, but is somehow blending in the shadows.

'Right, here we go' I say in my head.

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