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"GET UP!" He screaming into my ear. How long as this gone on? Meh, about 11 years. I started when I was only 6. I was trained to be a fighter and to kill people. Believe it or not my family is part of the strongest assassinations clan ever.

"Get up you worthless child! Even your sisters are better! You can't carry on the tradition AND can't be a proper heir! Worthless child!" My trainer yelled at me. Right, I'm supposed to be a heir to the clans' leader and I'm supposed to kill people.

"Why do we have to kill? Why not we just join the military!" I asked. The anger and hatred has grown inside of me all my life. What went wrong to make me hate this world? My parents were kind. My sisters helped me. I had a fun life. Not anymore.

"Because if we join the military, we'll brake our tradition AND we won't get as much money!" He yelled-answered. Money. My family is crazy. Everyone enjoys to kill people. Such a large amount of sniper rifles. So many guns to kill. I'm the only one who doesn't want to kill. I don't want to kill anyone.

"Now get up and shoot it!" Right, I'm supposed to train with a M24 Sniper Rifle. I supposed to shoot a dog. Whenever I miss my shot, my trainer would punch me. So many scars and blood.

"Shoot!" His voice rings in my head. No. I'm 18. I don't want to kill.

"Shoot it!" No!



My eyes are closed. I open on eye and see the dog still alive, but instead...

My trainer is dead. Shot in the head perfectly. My rifle is pointed upwards. I-I shot him.

I got up. No no no, I didn't kill him! I've never shot anyone before!

I stared down at the body. I did it. I killed him. I killed him...

I look back up. I stare at my father at the other side of the room. His brother is the clan leader. He's cruel. They're all cruel. I walk over to the wall of guns.

I look on the wall for a minute, before I see a strong gun. A 50-caliber rifle. 

I grab the rifle and load it. It's ready. I look over to my father who is smiling. Oh what a smile indeed.

I aim the gun to my father. It seems as all time itself stops. His smile slowly fades while mine grows. I'm going to do it. I'll end my suffering. I'll end it all!

I aim, load, and shoot. 


My father falls to the ground. I laugh. Finally my pain is over! But not all of it.

I load the gun and search for my mother.

Soon I find her scolding my sisters. I aim the gun and shoot. My sisters scream while I hide in the shadows smiling. Finally, revenge is so sweet. I load the gun again and shoot one of my sisters. The other 2 scream and try to run.

 I load and shoot again. Killing the 2nd sister. Their bodies bleed out, they look beautiful. My last sister lays on the ground cowering.

I step out from the shadows and aim. Ready to fire.

"P-please I-I'm sorry for w-what I did! I-I'm sorry!" She begs.

"Beg more" I say.

"W-what?" She asks.

"Beg more" I say louder. She flinches and adjusts her position so she's on her knees.

"P-please, I beg of y-you"

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