Yellow and Black Makes Green

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Artwork is NOT mine! Check out the original artist cause I can't find them.



It's been a few days since we boarded the Skeld for Polus. Black and Cyan have been sticking together a lot more, and I recently learned that my suspicions were right. Black has a crush on Yellow. I've decided to do that shipping thing and try to urge Yellow to get closer with him.

"C'mon Yelle, he's nice! I promise you!" I say to Yellow. He told me recently that he wants to talk with Black, but he's too scared to do so. Me and Cyan have planed to make the love birds talk. Cyan with Black, clearly, and me and Yellow.

"But what if he doesn't want to talk! What if he doesn't like me in general!" Yellow argues. I smirk behind my helmet. I want to tell him so badly, but I'd ruin the fun.

"You won't know unless you talk to him" I say back, crossing my arms behind my back and leaning forward a bit. I've been following Yellow to Admin, and we're walking through Cafeteria now.


"Listen, he is my closest friend, he doesn't hate anyone here" I cut him off. He stops and sighs.

"Well, then, can you at least put me in your friend group?" He asks. I smile smugly behind my helmet.

"Of coarse! Come, I was supposed to meet Cy and Black in Reactor!" I say. I start running to Reactor.

"HEY! No running in the halls!" Yellow yells after me. I laugh and slow to a speed walk. Soon Yellow catches up.

"Don't run!" Yellow scolds. I pout a bit, even though he can't see it.

Soon we arrive at Reactor, and Cyan is leaning on the doorframe while Black is doing Simon Says.

"I heard Yellow yelling, so I came out here to meet y'all" Cyan says standing up.

"Eyo Cy! Yellow says he want to join our friend group! Can we let him?" Yellow visibly freezes and Black misses a button. I see Cyan trying to hold back a giggle.

"Yeah sure why not? I think Black'll like a new friend." Cyan says. I giggle a bit. Soon Black comes out.

"Who said I'd be ok with it?" He says. His hands are trembling a bit. Oh ho ho, being with your crush must be hard!

"Me!" I shout. Black turns his head at me and Yellow shakes his. I jump up trying to be taller than the massive boys.

"Why do y'all have to be so tall?!" I mumble. Cyan chuckles.


"Need any help?" I ask Cyan. We're walking to the kitchen. We left Black and Yellow together, and we plan to spie on them.

"Nope, I think I'm all good. But I'd like a bit of help finding the things." Cyan says. When we enter the kitchen, me and Cyan bring out our tablets.

"I hope the cameras work!" I whisper. Cyan hums in agreement. When we arrived at MiraHQ, some of the repair team added new cameras. They added the funcion to see through the camera to my tablet, but Cyan added it to his too.

We turn on the screen, and we enter the Cafeteria camera. We watch the drama unfolds.


I knew it. I just knew it. Red and Cyan are teaming up! I knew they were acting weird, especially when I blurted out that I wanted to talk to Black! After that Imposter fight i've wanted to talk to him. I'm glad I asked Red.

"So" Black starts. I turn my head to look at him.

"What do you think they're making?" He asks. I think for a bit.

"I dunno, Cyan just makes random meals. He's full of surprizes." I say. I turn my head to look around the room, and see a hidden camera in the corner. I frown. Red's using them to spie on us.

"Hey" I whisper.

"Hm?" Black hums.

"There's a camera. I think Cyan and Red are spying on us." I whisper. Black turns his head a bit and looks around. Soon he spots it too.

"Wanna go someplace different then?" He asks. I nod my head a bit to fast. Black chuckles and stands up. I used to be the tallest back when our MiraHQ floor was still open. I was known as the scarecrow, and Jack still sometimes calls me mountain, even though he's a inch shorter. Black is a massive 6'4!

"Jeez you're tall." I blurt out. I immediately look down and cover my helmet.

"Thanks" He chuckles. I realized my face felt hot. I was blushing wasn't I?

"C'mon" Black starts walking and I quickly get up to follow. Soon we ended up in the Lower Engine. He stops facing the room. I'm in the doorway and he shuts the doors.

"So" He starts. I take a few steps closer, slightly tilting my head in curiosity and confusion.

"Do you think I'm a monster?" He asks. I'm a bit taken back, but I knew this was going to happen. I stop coming closer and think of my answer, putting my hand where my chin would be.

"No, no I don't. I think you're really quite cool." I answer. Black seems to relax.

"You always seemed to try to get next to me. When the fight ended, you came to me. When we left and you found me stocking bodies, you helped me. When I was suffering with card-swipe, you sufferd with me. Why? Why do you stick with me? You barely know me, let alone seen me." He says turning around to look at me. His black suit making him almost invisible. I have seen him before, but not for a long time.

"I-I" I start. I think of my answer.

"I don't know, it's just I really really want to be your friend?" I say, but the last part came out more like a question. Black says silent, but soon he laughs lightly.

"Well, you should've just said that. You can ask me questions, and I'll answer them. Let's become friends." He says. He turns around to face me and holds out his hand for me to shake. I see that his hand looks almost like a claw. I giggle a bit and shake his hand.

"Alrighty! First order of friendship, get your nails trimmed!" I say. Black bursts out laughing and I join in too.

When we're done with laughing, we walk back to Cafeteria talking all the way there. When we arrive, everyone is there. I part ways with Black and sit down next to Jack.

"Y'know, I kinda think your relationship with him will go great." Jack says. I nod my head and soon Cyan and Red come out with our food. I take off my helmet letting my pale blond hair slip out. I smile and start eating, thinking about how our relationship can go.

"So, tell me about it!" Red and Cyan say. I sigh and ignore them while they pelt me with questions.



Completed! Sorry I was gone for a little bit longer than usual, I got a bit of family issues to attend to. I've wanted to try and make a new relationship going, since Greens' chances died. Jack and the rest of the Mira crew prob won't get shipped, bit I ship Black and Yellow. I can imagine Black and Yelle acting like teenagers while Cyan and Red are like that one friend that pelts you with questions and urges you to do something with the other. Lol. Welp I'll try to post sooner, but here I come school!


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