Just A Game

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"F**k" I'm running through the halls. There's blood on the walls and bodies everywhere.

"F**k f**k" I say, running into Electrical. I hide on top of the machines.

"F**k" I whisper under my breath, breathing heavy and watching the monster run by.

"REEEEDDDD??? Where are yooooouuu???~" The monster calls out. I hold my breath and watch as it comes into the room.

"Reeeeedddd~" It purrs, looking around for me. I stare at it, praying for it to leave. Only a little more time!

'Stay away, stay away!' I shout in my mind. Please just leave. While I was staring at the monster I didn't notice that my alarm was about to go off.

"BEEP BEEP BEEP" I screamed and fall of the machines, being pinned by White.

"Gotchu!" He says, letting go of me. I sigh and stand up.

"Damn it White! I was so close to winning too!" I say. Cyan giggles from the vents. Jack and the rest of the crew come into the room. Jack plays some kind of creepy heart beat and says "Imposters Win!"

We all start to laugh. It's been about a month since we left. No bodies were found and we decided to celebrate by playing a game about it. We called it; Among Us.

"When will I get Imposter?!" I shout. Everyone laughs and Cyan shows back up.

"C'mon everyone! It's time for the next round! Get cleaned up and meet up at the table!" Cyan shouts. Everyone makes sounds of agreements and we walk out. On the way out I punch White.

"I'm gonna kill YOU first!" I say. White just laughs and I run off.


Everyone is at the table. Jack pushes the button on his tablet and our helmet screens flashes. The words on mine were IMPOSTER. I smile and look over to my partner, Black. When our screens disappears I group up with Black, and we talk through the special mics. 

"Well, being teamed with a real Imposter should be fun! Especially with one top of his class!" I say. Black just laughs a little and nods his head.

"I'll leave Cy to you, he's gonna be hard, especially since he's smart." Black comments. I nod my head.

"Indeed" I respond. We start by walking around to Admin. I see White and Jack trying to swipe cards. Me and Black walk over, and offer to help. They accept and we swipe their cards, we're doing their task, not ours. Black suffers a bit but he gets it. We walk out and wave to them.

"We got White and Jack on our side, good." I say. Black slightly chuckles.

"What's so funny?" I ask. He looks over to me ad waves his hand.

"Oh nothing, it's just you would've been very very  good as an real Imposter, you would've killed so many humans!" He says, waving his arms a little.

"You don't know if I've killed people before. I know how to kill, and if this was real, then I would kill Every Thing." I say threateningly. I smile like an insane person.

Black stops. He stares at me, his posture showing he's confused.

"You've killed people before?" He asks. I stop as well and shrug.

"Yes, Yes I have." I respond. Black runs up to me and grabs my arm. I shout at him while he drags me into Medbay. Fool! The cameras!

"Hey! What are you doing?!" I shout at him, getting out of his grip.

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