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Artwork is NOT mine, I dunno whos' it is, but don't bully me! Hunt down the artist!


"We're here" I breath. We finally arrived at Polus, the original reason why I came on this ship. Everyone is excited, even Cyan. Black seems tense though and we can tell.

"I can't believe I'm back here" Cyan whispers, catching Whites and Browns attention.

"You've been here before?" White asks. I see Cyans' crab pet named Claw travel across his shoulders.

"Once, but I never landed on it. I saw it on my first mission." Cyan lies.

"How many missions have you been on?" Brown asks, making a few others turn their heads.

"Well, me, Black, and..." Cyan cuts off. Everyone looks confused.

"And White" He mumbled, making Black sag a bit.

"Well, the three of us were always together, so I say this is my 4th mission." He lied. This is his 16th 'mission'.

"Who is your old White?" Yellow asks. Black seems to flinch and Cyan stays silent.

"You don't want to know." He says. Green and Purple nod their heads too. Everyone else starts to ask many quiet questions on who White was, begging Cyan to tell them. Cyan starts to twitch.

"Hey! Our old White was a good friend of Black and Cyan, but has a few flaws that we don't like to talk about. Black was affected most, and if your all blind, you can clearly see that he and Cyan don't want to talk about it." I say, making everyone stop.

"We're sorry Red" White says. I nod my head and look over to Cyan. I turn on my tablet and send a message to him to come with me. He listens the message from his helmet and begins to walk over to the dorms. I soon follow.

When we get there, I shove Cyan into my room. I shut and lock the doors, and turn on soundproof mode.

"Is everything alright?" I ask while taking off my helmet. Cyan just stands there shivering slightly.

"Ashito? Are you alright?" I ask again. Cyan starts shaking violently. I run over and take off his helmet.

"Ash! What's wrong??" I ask and look at his face. He's on the verge of tears.

"I wish I never killed him" He says and starts crying. I guide him over to the bed and we sit down. I hug Cyan tightly and he clings to himself. He starts rambling "I'm sorry" Over and over again.

"Listen, White didn't know and he just saw me as prey, just like Black back then. He didn't know I wasn't going to rat him out." I say. Suddenly Cyan pulls my into his lap and I yelp. He crys on my shoulder. I pat his back.

"You never meant it, sometimes your actions to protect someone can get harsh." I say, trying and failing to calm him.

"Hey, I don't know what your doing, but can I come in? I sense something isn't right." Black says through the door. I get off of Cyan and walk over to the door, opening it enough for Black to slip through.

"You good buddy?" Black asks Cyan. Cyan just shakes his head and shivers again. He stopped crying at least.

"How'd you know something wasn't right?" I ask Black as we sit next to Cyan.

"I don't know, I just suddenly feel really bad and the urge to come over here." Black explains.

"Maybe it's a Alpha trait? Maybe when your Alpha really trusts you and when they're upset all trusted Polisions come over to comfort them?" I suggested. Black shrugs and rubs Cyans' back.

"I don't know, maybe? I mean it lines up with how I feel right now. But I don't know, I've never really needed comfort. Sometimes it happened a tiny bit when White was sad, but I've never had this feeling." Black says, patting Cyans' back. He's shaking a tiny bit now.

"Well, Cyan isn't as, how should I say this?.." I say.

"I won't get offense." Black says. I sigh and nod.

"Well then, he isn't as heartless as you" I say. Black nods his head in understanding.

"Don't discuss your evil plans with me while I'm here." Cyan mumbles. Black laughs and I chuckle.

"You feeling better? I know your not human anymore but still having pent up emotions can be harmful" I say. Black takes off his helmet. I look over and see his face is a little blue.

"Want to hug it out?" I say to the other Imposter. Black looks over and stares at me for a second, then nods. I move to sit in between the Imposters and hug them both. Cyan starts crying again and Black is sniffling.

"It's ok Zor, you can cry too." I say petting Cyans' head. His pet crab is trying to steal the pets.

"Zor?" He asks. I nod my head.

"Zoroto seemed a bit long" I say. Black shrugs and smiles.

"Come merree~" I coo. Black does what he's told and hugs me tighter.

"Let's just group hug." I say shoving the Imposters closer. Cyan looks over to Black with a confused look.

"Imposter sandwich" I mumble. The duo laugh. I slap their mouths and they shut up. I then grab the backs of their necks and shove them down so they are leaning down at my chest. I duo blush. I snicker and kiss their foreheads. I then release them and they immediately fling up, cause Black to bang his head on the bunk. He groans.

"Don't do that again." Cyan says trying to hide his blush. I put him hands on my hips and smile smugly. 

"But you two liked it didn't you?" I coo, Cyan blushes harder and Blacks face is the same color of Jacks suit. I laugh.

"Maybe." Black mutters thinking I didn't catch it. I bare my teeth in a smile to him. He looks away.

"You two are cute" I say, enjoying the teasing.

"No we're not" They say in sync. I smile warmly and grab their necks again. They flintch and I pull them onto the bed with me. Their faces are priceless. I scoot a bit more down and wrap my arms around them. They tense, but eventually relax and do the same.

I slowly run my hands through their hair as they start to fall into a fake sleep. Black and Cyan don't need sleep, but they do it anyway. It's one of their last human traits and they don't want to lose it. I feel like Blacks' mom and Cyans' caring gf, which I am.

"Good night, sleep tight my little Imposters." I whisper as they start snoring. I get out of their grasp and grab a hidden giant teddy I stored under my bed. I place it in between the Imposters and they cling to it. I kiss their foreheads again.

Cyans crab, Claw starts squeaking. I look over and smile. I walk over and kiss it too. It squeaks happily and moves over and sits in Blacks' face. I chuckle slightly.

"When you wake up, we'll be on Polus. Rest well and sweet dreams." I say walking out, preparing for our land on the planet of Imposters.



I've been trying to keep the story going as long as I can, but I've started getting writers block (I don't get WB very often) because I'm sick, so I just decided to do one where they see the planet and they get emotional because White never came back. IDK I'm sick and tired, and making a list of questions my friends are asking me. So, just have this little chapter and I'll be back in a few days.


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