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Hi Hi! I made Red IRL! It's my first time 'trying' to make a human face, as my name suggests, I'm best at dragons. I'm not a human kinda artist. Well anyways, here she is and I hope you'll like her! Thank you all that cringe with me! Ight, back to le story!


I woke up on my bed. Not from an emergency meeting, but because I was weirdly happy. I sat up and looked around the room. Even though I knew about Pinks' death I still felt happy. Maybe it was because I haven't had a sleep that good the entire time I was on the Skeld? It has been 4 months.

My mind wandered back to Cyan, and my mood was ruined. I thought about him. The man was making me question everything. I never saw him kill, he had plenty of times to kill me and he was told by the White monster to kill me. 

I rub my neck and heard someone coming. I realized my helmet was off and I put it back on. I looked to the doorway and saw black. I relaxed a bit.

"Red! Finally you are awake! Stop sleeping and being lucky!" He punched me jokingly.

"Sorry! I don't know I'm lucky!" We freeze. I am stunned. Did I just talk without problem?

"Red.... Did you just speak?" Black asked. I stare at him.

"B-Black.... Can I-I talk n-now?" I asked still stunned.

"Red! You can talk!" He hugged me. I hugged back. I never felt more happy, I could speak.

"We need to tell the others! C'mon! Let's go press the button!" Black grabbed my hand and took me to the button. In my excitement I forgot about Pink. 

I pressed the button and everybody rushed over. 

"What's wrong??" Yellow asked. My helmet was off and a smile covered my face. Everybody looked at me.

"Oh nothing, just wanted to make sure everyone is here" I say. Everyone was quiet for a few seconds.

"Wait" Green said. Everyone then looked back at me and I smiled more. How was my face able to stretch so far?

"YOU CAN TALK!!!" Everyone shouted and they crowded around me. We all celebrated and I told them about everything that happened from my prospective. Somehow I forgot to tell them about Cyan, but I did talk about him. I told them how my wish to talk again was granted, how white was as scary as hell, and how Cyan became the cook.

"Oh yeah! I forgot that on that day I turned off the doors to reset them, I do it every month" Green said.

"Jerk! You should've told me! I though he was the Imposter cause of those doors!" I joked. Everyone chuckled and Cyan smiled. We had a great time. But, the fun never lasts long does it?

"Where's Pink?" Browned asked. My soul was crushed, I forgot about pink. I forgot about everything that happened last night. I didn't move while everyone looked for her. I couldn't tell them where she died or I might die, even though I was their captain they will still kill me for the sake of the crew. I don't want to die, not after I just got my voice back.

"Over here!" Yellow yells. Everyone goes to shields and watch as purple lifts the vents to his dead lover. He left the vent open and cried. They two loved each other, and they never got to tell each other.

"Jack, I-I'm sorry" I say. Only three people knew his name. Pink, me, and Blue. Now I was the only one who knew his name. I was horrible. I let Pink die, without them telling each other.

He kept crying, so Yellow and Brown guided him to his room. I stare down at Pinks' body, crushed and rotting. I could've stopped this, I could've saved Pink. If only I had reported Cyan. Lime left with Orange and Black followed. They went to their rooms, and I just stared regretting ever getting on this cursed ship.

Orange came back and she and Green starts pulling out the pieces of a former friend. After ever thing that happened, I can only think of one thing. Lime. I walk away and leave for Limes' room. Everyone else talks about who could've done it. I saw Cyan there, but not Black. Black stays with the meetings, so it's odd to see him gone. 

I walk over to his room and stand by his door. It's closed and that's not like Lime. He never closes his door. He told me because he's like a child. I lean on the door and listen.

"She's going to come any minute, and that fool will fail to kill her, so I'll make sure with your death, she'll believe it was the fool and I'll win! Even though he's ""special"", that doesn't take the fact that I choose a fool. Maybe he'll learn his lesson and kill someone on the next ship. Or, he'll starve!" Someone says, the door muffles the sound and lot and I can't tell who is talking. It sounds like the same voice that almost killed me back in electrical.

"Y-you're m-making no-!" That was Lime, Lime is in there! I bang on the door and try to get it open.

"Oh she's here early! Well Lime, I guess this is a farewell! I'll make sure that you die watching her" The person says. I hear a scream from in there and the door opens.

"LIME!" I scream, everyone hears and comes rushing over. I'm curled up with tears in my eyes and a dying Lime in my lap. Blood over everything.

"R-red. *cough* I never got to tell you" He says.

"No no no Lime, don't die, c'mon just stay awake!" I plead, but he was stabbed multiple times, he's not going to make it. I know it.

"Red, you must trust him. He'll keep you safe. *cough couch* He may seem like a bad guy, but he's alright. Just... live for me." He holds my hands.

"W-who?" I ask. He points to Cyan with his last breath.

"I l-love you Red" His last words. My very best friends word were real. I cry over his dead body. Everyone comes over to help but I just scream for them to go away. I even scream at Black, the one I trust most.

Everyone leaves, everyone but Cyan. I cry, blood all over my hands and lap. Blood on the place he touched me on my helmet. I didn't want him to die.

I stare at Cyan. He did this didn't he? Didn't he?! I can't really see his face from the helmet, but I know he looks sad. What a faker.

"You did this..." I say and he steps closer.

"You did this! You f**king killed Lime didn't you?!" I was yelling as loud as I could. I hated him. I wanted him to die, but, Lime said he was trustworthy.

"Why did Lime say you are good? You're a f**king Imposter right? You killed my friends. You killed Lime, didn't you?" I cried. I never wanted this to happen. I hug tightly to Limes' body. My closest friend is... dead.

Cyan walks over and sits next to me. Even with my blood cover body, he still pulls me into a hug. Against my best intentions, I hugged back. I felt safe with him, even though he was a lying scumbag.

"Red, I'm sorry." I think about our first encounter. Now that I think about it, the voice of when I was almost killed that day was fairly deeper. Both of their voices were soothing, but Cyans' is more soft, more welcoming. Not cold and heartless and the other persons. I wonder who they were. Maybe White changed his voice to get trust? No, he would've killed me. Maybe there's another Imposter? I don't know if Cyan is one.

"Cyan" I say sleepily

"Hm?" He answers

"Are you an Imposter?" I feel asleep. Last thing I hear was him humming and him hugging me.

(1354 words)


I was so excited to make this chapter, so Sorry for killing off lime, he was one of my favorites too. Well, next time it'll be from Cyans' POV. I can't wait.


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