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"C-Cyan?" He looked at me, his eyes glowing a bit more.

"Is this Ok?" He asks. Oh he's such a sweetheart. I smile and nod slightly. He closes the gap in between our faces. I immediately start to kiss back. His lips are soft and delicate, reminds me of a puppy.

His hands slightly loosen from my sides and rest on my hips, in return, I grip his slightly poofy hair. Feels like a puppy.

'Well, he IS a puppy' I thought.

The kiss starts to get more passionate, more heated. It's like we were meant to be together, his lips dancing with mine like we were in a ball. I wish it could last forever.

I back out, panting slightly and blushing madly. The reality came crashing down. I kissed him! I kissed my crush! Wait, crush? Well I did like him, but I never had a crush. I walk over to the desk tripping a bit, and turn on the lamp.

I look up to Cyan with half-lidded eyes. His eyes are glowing brightly, must be an Imposter addition, and he looks like a child. His lips are puffy he's wide eyed. He must've realized it too. I snicker.

"W-what?" He studdard. I smile warmly at him. I walk over and put my hands on his shoulders. I lip my lips. He looks at me and grins.

"Well well well! I didn't think you, the captain of the Skeld, to kiss a boy!" He teases. I smack him on the head slightly. He laughs and I turn around and lean on him, making him stumble but hold me in place.

He suddenly looked worried. I give him a confused look and he looks down at me.

"Sorry, I didn't know what came over me an-" He continued on and was starting to be annoying. Now, how to do you shut up a person... Thing? Well I have the wrong answer!

I smile and grab Cyans' arms, tugging him down and kissing him passionately. He's surprised at first, but quickly gets into it. Is it just me, or is it hot in here? I'm sweating slightly and once again blushing.

 I take the opportunity to look at his reaction. He looks calm but tense, he's holding me tightly get gently. He's gripping onto me like his life depended on it. I breath deeply through my nose before continuing the kiss. He kinda smells like pine trees and spring water. Like nature, even though he hasn't been to Earth in a long time.

He suddenly lets go and cups my cheek. I look up at him. His expression is calm yet fierce, like a demonic angel.

"Red, what's your real name?" He asks. I'm taken aback.

"M-my what?" I ask, I'm still a bit, well, how would you say it? Drowsie?

"Your name" He repeats. He's now sitting in a chair and I'm standing. Where'd he get a chair? He pats his lap. I blush slightly and nod. I walk over and sit on his lap like a queen. I snuggle into him and hug him.

"Velvet. Velvet Amana Hart." I told him. He smiles. He looks curious, and adorable. I blush again.

"I forget my real one, can you give me one?" He asks. Give him a name? I ponder the question and think of his personality. For some reason, the names I came up with are from anime. 

"Oh. Well, I'm kinda bad at naming things but ok." I respond. He looks like a child on Christmas day. He's sweet, so Ashito might do.

'Ashito, name meaning Sweet Child in the now extinct Drgoin language.' I think.

"Ashito...." I continue to think. He's very sly, like a fox. Soul. He blends in surprisingly well with the night. Shadow.

"Ashito Shadow Soul?" I say. His expression is blank, it's making me nervous.

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