Dying Wish

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-----------------Blacks' POV-----------------

Tears fall down my face. Hopefully that will end it. 

"We're almost there. I can get back now." I whisper in the darkness. I feel better now, but I'd love to see Cyan more.

I stand up and clean myself off. Thank Polus that they have all the suits here.

I change into a new suit and climb out. I place the tile back and walk.


What? A meeting?

I walk over to Cafeteria and take my seat. Me and the rest of the humans here are puzzled on why Red called a meeting.

"Everyone, It seems we're not going to Polus right now." I feel my anger boil. We're not going to Polus?!

"We're going to MiraHQ so we can restock and get new crewmates. We need the help and we're low on gas. Someone keeps dumping the stuff out the trash shute." Why was the gas being tossed? I didn't do that one. Maybe Cyan?

 "We'll be at MiraHQ in 5 hours, so clean this place and get your tasks done. As much as I want to believe Yellow was the Imposter, I have a feeling that it's still here."

 "Everyone stick in groups. I'll be in Navigation, Purple and Green, and Black and Cyan. Got that?" Red finishes up. I hate everything right now. I keep from my anger showing, now is NOT the right time to kill. I'll wait a little bit for my next meal.

Everyone nods their heads and I walk to Admin. I can still do tasks, but it's getting harder. Cyan follows close behind.

-----------------Cyans' POV-----------------

I follow Black. Red must know, and I didn't tell her. He's far to strong to throw out, so we'll need the new crewmates.

I stand in the doorway while Black swipes his card. Because we were both human once, we can still do tasks. 

He swipes the card but it keeps declining.

"Stupid thing, why'd they add this?" I hear him mumble to himself. Right, he was on the very 1st ship with imposters on it. I wonder how he became Imposter? I was turned in a lab by my parents.

I walk over and offer to help. I hate him very much but he's still nice... ish. He glares at me then gives me the card. I swipe.




"Huh, you can't get it either huh?" He says. I hum in response and try again.


Ugh! This stupid thing! I'm getting more grumpy too, hope I won't lash out at anyone.

"C'mon boy, White's gone now and I'd like to see you hunt." Black whispers. 

"Why not wait for the new crewmates, Red said 5 hours." I respond loudly.

"Ey quiet down, don't want any humans to hear us." Black whispers back. I growl and continue to swipe the card. At this point we're both angry, hungry, and once-human Imposters that are mad at a card.

I chuckle a bit. Never knew one of the strongest creatures ever discovered would suffer not with hunting, but with a card.

"I never knew that an Imposter can get mad at a card" Black says. I laugh lightly and try to swipe the card again.


"Let me try again" Black pushes me out of the way and tries again.


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