Chapter 20

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Earth 1

At STAR Labs team Flash was trying everything to searched for Barry and Kara now knowing that they were on Earth X much to Harry's displeasure as it was a banned place in the multiverse. Cisco and Caitlin also helped Harry with everything they can just to find their friend, but they were also getting quite annoyed that Iris was there in the labs all day and being super demanding with them.

Cisco was getting mad at her, but he thought that maybe she was like this because of Barry's abscence and she still loved him so much. So he keep his thoughts about shutting her down for himself, Caitlin did tell her one day about why she was all the time at STAR Labs? She worked at CCPN and since Barry disappeared she was all the time with team Flash even if she didn't contribute in anything.

Of course Iris will say her typical answered of her being the leader of team Flash and other stuff that made the doctor sighed with annoyance but wanted also not to cause more problems than the one they had now, so she too shut them and keep them to herself wishing for this situation to improve. Iris felt empty without Barry, this was worst than when he went into the speedforce and leaved her alone in Central City as he was gone and also in love with another woman which made her blood boil.

It was another regular day at Central City and things where going well at least as Kid Flash and surprisingly Jesse Quick were carring the mantle of the Flash, both of them taking care of the city which didn't have a problem as Barry trained them very well and kind off enjoyed saving the city in their own with team Flash helping them from the labs. They also missed Barry although they didn't where in the rehearsal dinner as they were both in Earth 2 hanging out together.

At the cortex Caitlin was checking something in the computer system as Cisco was having some food in a little table he had with also a computer on top watching some videos to entertain himself while having his snack, everything was going well until they heard someone's heels entering the cortex. That person was Iris which was now angry once again at Cisco and Caitlin cause they weren't working in finding Barry.

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you helping Wells in searching Barry instead of seeing videos or being in the cortex doing nothing" Iris exclaimed demanding the engineer and doctor an explanaition of doing 'nothing'.

"Iris, we're working almost 24/7, we need some rest and as much as we want to find Barry quick, we need energy recharge and some food so our brain can worked better and so we can be efficient" Cisco said rolling his eyes and turning around with his hamburger in one of his hands.

"Yeah, we need rest and even Harry is exhausted for working on finding a way to opened a breach to Earth X. Iris, we want Barry back so bad just as you, but we need rest too and like Cisco said. 'Rest increases productivity'" Caitlin replied too getting serious agreeing and supporting her friend who was having some food before she arrived.

"Barry needs to comeback, I need my fiancee back and I know you too. But being here eating or using the computers will not bringing him back. So we need to returned to work and when Barry is here with us all of you will rest the time you want" Iris said sternly too having the point of them wanting Barry back like her but not liking seeing team Flash not doing 'anything'.

"'Iris, first of all, why are you here all the time? Don't you have a job at CCPN?" Cisco asked changing the topic annoyed now at this point with her.

"I quited after Barry went into the speedforce you know it, so that I can take charge on team Flash while he wasn't here. I don't need to be at CCPN at all as I'm now working here too" Iris replied too serious remembering how she by herself decided to take the lead of team Flash when Barry went into the speedforce to saved the city.

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