Chapter 11

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The plane finally arrived to United States after hours of flying, as soon as they touch the ground the quartet stand up and move out of the aircraft, as they exit several soldiers where there receiving them with their rise arms, it was mostly for Dark Arrow and Prometheus cause they were from a highing position in command, although they were told that Blitzkrieg and Overgirl were very important soldiers and the best from the SS in their lines.

The four of them just nod their heads at the officers and soldiers of the headquarters and proceed to enter their base. Dark Arrow and Prometheus where into their command center to give the report to the person who was left in charge, as Overgirl and Blitzkrieg where also giving some feedback to the officer in charge after their own battles and also the speedster take a USB from his suit which took by surprise the officer.

"This, contains very extricted information from the Allies, technology, development and defense systems. This could make us win the battle and once and for all, eliminate the Resistance so that  Germany can rise here and everywhere" Blitzkrieg said with a serious and deep voice to this nazi officer and this make the man surprised, this SS soldiers where proving to be a forcé to be recogne with. So he simply said.

"Very well done soldaten, this could be the inflection point in the war, the Reich and Fatherland will always be greatful with both of your efforts" the officer said and making both the speedster and kryptonian grin under their masks.

"You can leave, go and have a rest and recover after this, you deserved it" the man replied again and leave them alone while he went to the command center and talk with the people in charge about this big 'gift'.

Next both Overgirl and Blitzkrieg walk away from the center and leave towards their room as they started to name it, cause for them it was pretty obvious that they didn't need their own room, they were so in love that they only use one of them. And if someone have a problem with that they didn't care, they feel sorry for the person who actually is bother by this.

As they were getting close to the room Overgirl said.

"Wait my dear, let me go, I will enter our room by the balcony, we don't want people to make rumours and or see us" she said with her mask still on and this make the speedster sigh and nod, he didn't care about what the people think even though the ones on their side, but for her he will do anything.

Blitzkrieg just phases through the door and enters their loft, and sighs deactivating his mask and taking off his cowl also, seconds later he feels a strong wind whoosh and on the balcony he sees his lover Overgirl, walking towards him and deactivating her mask too in the process.

"You were amazing out in the field today my love" Barry said now close to her and moving his hands to her waist holding her, also with a smile on her face.

"I agree with you babe, I absolute enjoy going out there and crush the allies plans, and watching you fight and killed those soldiers was so great to watch, it kind off turned me on" Kara said also putting her arms around his neck, and talking with some hint on her voice.

Barry then leans to her giving her a passionate kiss which Kara returned gladly, their kiss was long lasted but both enjoy and feel their love to eachother.

After some minutes they lean back with heavy breathing, also their foreheads are touching as Barry says.

"I love you Kara, I'm glad that we can finally be together far from the people who were called friends, damn I hate them so much right now, I could easily be all bad and feeling like I can't live anymore, but having you here with me makes me feel like I'm complete, you are the reason for me to smile and be better in general, I love you so much, you're my lightning rod" Barry said looking directly to her beautiful blue eyes and talking from the bottom of his heart.

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