Chapter 16

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Earth 1

It was now a month since Barry and Kara went missing from Earth 1 which was the last place they been watched, Oliver and Felicity stayed there in STAR Labs to try and help team Flash with everything for search for both their friends but not having any success. Both of them decided to return to Star City as they left it unprotected, also Oliver told Cisco to called them inmediately if they have any location or news about Barry and Kara.

Right now in the cortex of STAR Labs were Cisco, Caitlin, Iris and Joe. Wally went with Jesse to Earth 2 to have some time as their relationship was progressing very good, Harry decided to stay and try to located Barry and Kara, he knew that they were in another Earth but in which was one was the big problem. Cisco in all this time was demanded by Iris to vibed Barry's old suit to see where he could be.

"Cisco please vibe him again, we need to find Barry and fast. I know we have Wally and team Arrow for help with the city, but we need Barry back and I need my husband back" Iris replied with fear and frustration as she wanted Barry back for herself and also because the city needed the Flash.

"I already tried Iris, I don't see anything from him, it's only dark and red colors I see in my visions" Cisco answered tired of trying what Iris requested cause he didn't see anything from his friend.

"Try again and harder!, there's gonna be something out there that could tell us where is Barry" Iris exclaimed in anger cause nothing seems to be giving them answers about where he and Kara could be now.

"Iris stop, we know that you want to know where is Barry, we also do. But we tried everything and nothing seems to work" Caitlin now said with also some tireness in her voice also worried for her best friend, Barry was important to her and she also wanted to help in searching him.

"Also, I don't think Barry is your husband anymore. Don't you remember?" Harry replied cold and serious from a side of the cortex where he was twitching some device he worked before.

"What are you talking about? Of course he will, our wedding may be postpone but we're gonna get together again I know that. I love him and he too does, we are the Flash together, as it always had been" Iris exclaimed looking at Wells with an angry look on her face after what he just said to her.

Harry just chuckled after listening to her, he didn't believe any of that after what everyone did to him in the rehearsal dinner at Jitters.

"Yeah I don't believe any of your words, if I remember correctly he didn't love you all this time and he changed you for Ms Danvers which I think treats him better, and oh yeah. She really loves him too, I may be the only one happy for him even though he is gone and we want him back in Earth 1. So yeah good luck if we find him West cause I doubt any of your speech will become real adding what he will think about you now" Harry replied with a serious voice telling Iris what he thinks about she saying that Barry will married her after all.

Everyone in the cortex was left speechless and with their eyes widened after Harry's words, Iris was now absolutely fuming and very pissed at Wells as she didn't agree with him. Joe was surprised too and even though he was still angry at Barry for leaving Iris before the wedding, he also wanted to talk and solve the situation when he came back to Earth 1, he deserves the chance of explaining his point of view after all.

Caitlin and Cisco had their eyes widened very shocked too, Cisco almost chuckled at Harry's response but inmediately shut it down as he felt bad instantly remembering how badly he acted towards his best friend fighting him and hurting with his vibe powers. Caitlin also was sad to not support Barry at all and wanted no more than apologize to him for not being in his side and giving him the benefit of the doubt.

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