Chapter 22

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Earth 1

The cortex was now completely silent after the revealing of not only Dark Arrow, Prometheus and Siren X identities, but also from Overgirl and Blitzkrieg. Oliver and Iris couldn't believe their eyes as well as team Flash, their friends where now completely different and it seemed that they were under the nazi regime of Earth X. Iris didn't want to believe that her fiancee, her Barry was now another person and completely opposite to the one she felt in love with.

"Barry what happened to you? The man I love with my heart, the speedster who took care of Central City and the man who is friend of everyone in here" Iris exclaimed still in disbelief after seeing Barry very different now in this new personality.

Prometheus, Dark Arrow and Siren X looked at Iris with so much disgust, so weak, emotional, pathetic and many more. They were greatful to be under the services and of their Fatherland, the Reich and of course defending their country which was Germany.

"He's dead Iris, he died when everyone else gave him their backs, when all of you didn't believe me when I was telling the truth and decided to believe a spoiled woman who doesn't deserves anything in this world. Also now that I'm seeing all of you here, I felt greatful and relieved for arriving at Earth X, I'm so much better in every aspect since I arrived there" Barry stated looking at Iris with all the hate and anger possible, he also started talking proudly about his time in Earth X.

Iris right now was so hurt after listening to Barry's words, she couldn't believe in what her fiancee turned into this other person for a misunderstanding. She felt bad, and wanted to recovered what they had. But seeing him now like this was something painfully for her and the people of Earth 1.

"You know being in Earth X isn't that bad, don't listened to what Wells says to you. I turned into a better speedster, a soldier and a leader. Now every german of Earth X counts on me and my partners to lead them into greatness like they deserve. I help the Reich to end World War ll, I killed many commanders, many soldiers from the Resistance and that felt so good. All this power I have at my disposal which now I used in the correct way, no one could never stop me, they now fear me and I appreciate that. Now everyone in Earth X from Germany and the world knows who Blitzkrieg is, and also soon you guys will too" Barry replied again very serious with a voice that could make Oliver shivered, he sounded so confident, so scary at the same time and had a look in his eyes that showed power.

Oliver was now very shocked after Barry's speech, he never in his life thought seeing his best friend in this way, being so dark, evil, ruthless and careless about everything. He saw in his eyes some revenge, pain and also the wish of inflinging pain to everyone.

"Barry please, listened to your self, this isn't you. We're sorry and we make a mistake like everyone else does, but this person right now........." Caitlin started saying trying to break the new strong bond Barry had in this new attitude he developed.

"Save your speech of hero Cait, that no longer serves me or will serve. It's true that all of you made a mistake, but it is one that you will pay dearly and I will never forget" Barry interrumpted her quickly and replied with a sternly voice showing all the anger in it surprising the doctor which was looking at him now.

"You don't kill Barry, you always thaught us that there was another way to solve things. Flash thaught us that and many more things" Cisco now replied feeling terrified for his old friend who looked so much different now infront of him, he couldn't believe his eyes in what Barry turned to.

"The Flash is dead now, he doesn't kill you're right. But Blitzkrieg does and a lot" Barry said darkly now and now his hands where turned into fist from the anger he felt towards everybody in this room.

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