Chapter 30

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The sight of bodies lying on the floor was something that satisfied the five members of the SS, their Führer looking with a grin under his mask at their act of killing almost everyone moments ago. He loved the sensation running through his body of taking a life with his own hands, Blitzkrieg was just waiting to make this next move that he was already planning with Overgirl alongside him and with Dark Arrow, Prometheus and Siren X at their disposal. Their were only two people alive from the whole group of heroes of Earth 38, one was their tecnichian guy who was injured by one of them to prevent his escape and the other one was another woman with brown hair and a bit tanned skin. Blitzkrieg wasn't going to lie, she was absolutely beautiful, she was a goddess just like his lover Overgirl and she got his attention so much.

"Well, it seems that it was easier than we thought. At some point I thought it might be a more difficult challenge to face, but in the end it was the opposite. How pathetic was your defense, but no more satisfying, I am looking at the possibility of bringing our entire army and invading this land to cure it and purify it from the rottenness it is. The American dream? No more, we will end that dream ourselves and the only thing that will be standing will be the German flag and the Reich that will be above all!" Blitzkrieg said with a voice of authority, showing superiority and no resentment whatsoever. His leadership and power were greater than ever and he wanted to continue to demonstrate it. He had in his plans to invade the two lands where they were parts before and create a new homeland, but with the modernity and leadership of the SS, the Fifth Reich and all of Germany.

"Why the invasion? What do you want from us if we never did anything to them? Besides where are you coming from why are you here? There must be a reason why you killed our friends, if you claim to be Germans you must have a good reason. I will not become a German, I would rather die and meet my family in heaven than be one of you and hurt the world." Winn said between moans of pain, anger and discomfort also because of the wound caused by Dark Arrow with a knife. His leg was almost bloody and needed urgent attention or else he could die, the blood he was losing was more and more as time went by.

"You wouldn't understand Winn, and you're right you're not one of us. But we can change that in a second, people like you are needed in our land and we could use your wit. We already know your answer which is that you refuse to be like us, but the thing is you have no choice." Overgirl said in a defiant tone, looking at her former friend with a face that even Blitzkrieg himself might fear and already having an idea of what they would do on Earth X with Winn, she knew what their soldiers and officers did with non-Germans. Torture and brainwashing methods to get anyone into their ranks by force and obviously without consent.

"How could you kill them? Do you know what you have to live with for the rest of your life knowing that you took the lives of others? You were a hero where I come from, you were one of the inspirations for the whole world. You stood up for your city, now you are what you swore to destroy, you let the power blind you and consume you little by little without realizing it. Flash would never allow that, he would know the line between right and wrong." Imra said almost screaming with tears in her eyes for witnessing the death of her friends and of Mon-El, her husband whom she loved even if he did not. She revealed to the SS members the truth about their leader, her former alter ego The Flash was considered more than a hero where she came from, along with Supergirl they were the two top heroes of their time and it was thanks to them that she and Mon-El joined the Legion of Superheroes.

After that Blitzkrieg used his speed and ran towards her faster than ever and stood inches away from her with his mask very close to her face. He was not happy at all, moreover, Imra's words made his blood boil with hatred and anger. Imra was now up against the wall after jumping in fright at having the speedster so close to her, and admittedly he was more than intimidating.

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