Chapter 8

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Our supercouple were now in a cafeteria for the HQ members eating and recharging energy after some training, as they were eating and having time for themselves they see as Dark Arrow arrives with Tommy to their table so they quickly stand up and say.

"Oberleutnant, I'm surprise to see you here everything alright?" Barry says in respect to him, although he and Kara called him Oliver before they were in work service and he was in a higher command position, so respect has to be show.

"It's ok soldaten you're in your rest period and your training today has ended" Dark replies still serious but not that much after the day has ended.

"Do you both need something from us?" Kara says now serious to both him and Tommy.

"No, we just came here after listening that you were the best of our new recruits, our officers told us that you were exceptional in the training room and the power one, so we came here to tell you that we are impressed by that news, so continue like this and soon you will be ready to go out in the field for missions" Prometheus says to them serious to them telling what they think from today's work.

Barry and Kara just smirk in satisfaction after listen to their leaders opinión about them.

"Thank you, your opinions have a big importance to us, Oberleutnant, Leutnant" Barry says in german he learn from the training a bit, as Dark and Prometheus rise their arm for the salute, then Barry and Kara also rise their firm with respect as their leaders leave the cafeteria leaving both of them smiling and return to their food.

As they leave Kara turns to look for her lover and says smiling.

"That's some great news babe, we need to continue like this and sooner will be doing greater things for the Reich and we will help our people and partners" she says to him with some grin on her face, this Earth was now completely changing their form of thinking from Earth 1.

"I know, being in this side of the history is great, we will achieve some big things here my love, we just need to prepare ourselfs for the SS and defend the Fatherland with everything we have" Barry replies to her with an evil grin forming on his face too.

They now were finishing their food and clean their table and return to their loft and rest, they didn't want to hold hands to stay under the radar and also cause it was no one else business, but on the inside of their room they will never take their hands of each other as they will kissed until the moon settles down.

Time lapse 2 weeks after their first day on training*

Things were going perfectly fine for Kara and Barry, they were improving so much and their skill development was impresive for the leaders of the SS. Dark Arrow and Prometheus where very impresed and pleased with the new recruits of their elite force, Barry and Kara for them where the best out of all the group, also they called some important member of the Reich to watch this special soldiers and they where very pleased by them, this where the people they want under their forces and want them now to defend their Fatherland. Also in the mean time they where learning german so they fit more than they already are. 

And as you know Barry and Kara also where transform by the Nazi Reich and SS leaders and did what they do the all their new soldiers or to the ones who are forced to join them, they are literally brainwashed into following orders from their own people, that everyone is the enemy and only they are the best. That the Reich must be protected with their lives and like their Fatherland and country Germany. They make them run out of feelings for others and have no remorse for those who are not their own.

It was one morning that both Barry and Kara where called by Commander Neumann to a meeting instead of going to their actual training, this was a weird situation for both of them but they inmediately go to where their leaders are located. Then an officer indicates the room where they are reunited, as they enter they see the leaders of the SS and important members of the Reich and they turn to see them saying, as our speedster and kryptonian instantly get into a firm and respectful postiion.

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