Chapter 1

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Earth 1

A day before the wedding*

In the suits shop were Barry and Oliver, trying their suits for the big day tomorrow as Cisco already did this before them and was preparing some minor changes for tonight's rehearsal dinner. As they were fixing their clothes, Barry with a neutral face, almost with an anxious smirk because the day was coming and he couldn't make a small space to go and talk to Kara.

Oliver saw this and for him it wasn't normal, for someone who is nervous especially for a wedding, but Barry didn't have this face, he had a face of being scared, of being like regretting something.

"Hey buddy, are you alright?" Oliver asks him for the first time because it was weird to see his best friend serious or nervous.

"Yeah, I'm alright man." Barry said with a fake smile and this doesn't go past Oliver but he just lets it go thinking it was nervousness which was affecting the speedster.

"Alright but I'm here for you man, if you need anything." Oliver replied back holding his shoulder in support.

"Thanks man really for anything you did for me, since we met you help to be a better hero and not make mistakes" Barry said remembering the long way until now, he was honest in this part.

"You also play a big part on my life Barry, you actually make me realize that there's always another way to do things, you also make a trustful person when back in the time I wasn't almost with anyone, you're a great hero and person" Oliver said also being honest with his best friend.

"Aww, who wouldn't think Ollie will get emotional on this day?" Barry replied, joking a bit as Oliver just laughs and shakes his head.

"Yeah this doesn't pass too soon, so never get used to it." Oliver said back, smirking at Barry playing with him to relax and ease the tension.

Then Oliver goes back to the room to try some new suit for the wedding as Barry is alone once again thinking of how he will do the most difficult decision today a day before the wedding and this was killing on the inside, being with a woman who he doesn't love for such a big time, so for him it has gonna be today, not other day.

After finishing his suit test with Oliver they arrange them for tomorrow although maybe only one of them will use it, next they exit the shop and go to Jitters cause there it was gonna take place the rehearsal dinner.

In other place in Central City especifically a spa were all the girls having fun and relaxing, well not everyone as Kara was only there but in the inside was not liking a bit on being here on her friends wedding that happens will see the man she loves married another woman, but she was here making company with her friends like Felicity and Caitlin, her sister Alex was also there and she was having fun meeting Kara's friends.

"Iris you're literally glowing, you look amazing." Felicity said to the bride herself as Iris smiles at this.

"Thanks Felicity, also thanks to everyone else for coming to this little moment with me and of course my big day tomorrow, you don't know how much it means to me." Iris replied back with a big smile and all excited.

"Felicity is right, you look amazing today Iris, I'm sure that tomorrow you will look stunning in your dress." Caitlin said agreeing with the hacker also looking at her friend and bride.

Iris just smiles and thanks them and continues their relaxing moments in the spa. Next they get some champagne with glass cups and make a toast. Felicity was the first one to speak.

"For the beautiful bride." Felicity said raising her glass of champagne as then the rest of the girls did the same smiling look at Iris doing a toast.

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