Chapter 3

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Later Alex asks for permission to use the computer system of the Waverider and Sara nods to her and gives her access to it. She then starts to search with her own methods like she does at the DEO when something happens to Kara.

"So what are you doing to locate Kara?" Cisco asked his curious questions wanting to search for their kryptonian friend and stop the other speedster.

"I'm using her trails of solar radiation that she leaves when she flies away." Alex said searching and using any skill in the computer she knows and also Winn teaches her.

"And as I'm seeing she is in some warehouse in the limits of Central City, exactly 1.5 Km away, so is some place so far away." Alex replied to them as Oliver and Cisco nod and they turn to everyone and say loud and firm.

"Guys, we have the location for Supergirl, we have to be careful with her cause she is now confused about this copy of Barry, he is dangerous. He might me acting like a good one, we need him alive to question him about where our real friend is." Oliver said seriously now in a Green Arrow mood first and everyone nodded.

"Not everyone is coming down to the field, a few of you will stay here in case anything happens so you will intervene." Oliver finished to them as they nodded again following the lead of the archer.

"Who is going out and who is staying?" asked now Amaya ready for battle alongside the rest of the heroes.

"Okay this people are going with me, Ray, Jax, Professor Stein, Alex, and Cisco will go down for them, if anything goes wrong the rest of you will go down with us, everyone be ready and don't let your guard down." Oliver said again being the leader of the group and wanting to take the people who for him were the most important for this mission. Felicity and Caitlin go with Iris cause she is so heart broken and sad so they decide to stay by her side in this moment, and Joe goes with them to the library.

"Amaya you stay in command here while the rest are down." Sara responded looking at her and she nodded as everyone also nodded being ok with that, only Mick groans and goes for more beer like always.

"Gideon, take us to the location." Sara said firmly to her but again she didn't respond.

"Okay since our expert and futuristic copilot doesn't want to cooperate, I'm gonna drive this everyone hold on from something, is the only advice I will give to you." Sara finished saying and sat down on the pilot chair and started driving to the location Alex gave her before.

It didn't take long for the drive to end cause the timeship was fast and effective but the ride was not the best, it has turbulence and some big moments like everyone almost falling into the floor, when they arrive at the location ready to go down Sara hears a couple of.....

"Oh my god my head...."

"I'm gonna throw up....move!"

"Why are there two Olivers here?"

"You seriously call that a drive!"

She just laughs and shakes her head, smirking and says looking at the heroes who are somewhere still annoyed and sick for the wild ride she gave them..

"Okay the team who is gonna go down prepare, I will be here in case anything happens, the rest of you prepare for any extra problems." Sara exclaimed after getting off the chair and now in the command center.

Oliver is suited up with his arrows, bow, mask and hood, Cisco also with the suit and goggles, Ray is in his Atom suit, Alex loades her gun with bullets and some kryptonite bullets that she prays no to use on her sister and last but not least Jax and Stein fused into Firestorm. The little squad was ready and exited the ship and walked seeing the warehouse a bit far just to not catch their attention.

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