Chapter 18

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Earth X

Three days had passed since Blitzkrieg was named as the highest member of the Reich and of the Germany as their Fuhrer, the society in America were now completely informed that they were under a new goverment and regime. Also they knew by news and TV from their Kanzler Schneider about the start of the fifth Reich on their country.

Many people around the world were looking with expectation to the big revelations in Germany, their was a new leader which made the german allies happy and with expectation to strenght their relationships, also their 'enemies' were more than shocked cause this new leader by the looks was stronger and of course powerful as with the time they discovered that the new Fuhrer was a metahuman, much better as a speedster.

So the people in United States who were now under the german nazi regime were very impressed by their new leader and after seeing who was they quickly shifted into a respect mode and fear as this man was a powerful metahuman, a speedster specifically and also from what their highest members of the Bundestag told their society, this man will lead Germany into the greatness and rule with perfection.

Also they knew that their was a second in command behind their Fuhrer, as a very powerful and ruthless woman also took control of the armed forces and also it was the second highest member of the Reich, she was now known as General Overgirl. She was also the most powerful woman in their Earth which earned a big respect from their german society and also from the Reich itself, many women in Germany and in America which was now completely ruled by the them were happy to see a woman like Overgirl rulling their country along side their Fuhrer Blitzkrieg and the SS.

Things were completely fine at Central City, as after Germany won World War ll many german people from Europe were now living in their city and many other places in United States, the people now were having their regular day by walking on the street, going in their cars or being on some coffee shop they saw how a red streak passed by really fast gaining everyone's attention.

They knew exactly who it was and pretty much everyone had fear and also showed respect although he wasn't along side or close to them, in the middle of the street the red streak stopped and the people who was outside gasp in shocked and amazed as infront of them was standing the speedster and also their Fuhrer Blitzkrieg, 'der schnellste Mann am Leben' or the fastest man alive in english as he was known. He was just doing surveillance to see if there was anything going on in their main city and take care of it.

One thing Barry learned in his process of turning into a SS soldiers and to Blitzkrieg was that the nazis were extremerly protective on their own, they were always looking for each others and attacked anyone who lay a hand in one of them. So as he was now the leader of the Reich, he after being named the Fuhrer took of running through mainly Central City just to watched how their citizens were doing and prevent any type of rebellion from non germans or any other resistance group.

It was getting late and the sunlight was gonna end soon, so he after watching the city and running returned to their main headquartes which where kilometers away from the big city, while this was happening General Overgirl was flying back to the headquartes too after taking a look on National City which was far from Central. Everything was fine there and no disturbance was inform or register, so she headed back.

Blitzkrieg arrived at the headquartes and was greeted inmediately by the soldiers and officers from the SS and also the Reich ranked members, Commander Neumann see him and also greeted him.

"Mein Fuhrer, it's great to see you sir, anything you need?" Neumman said with respect and firm looking at the speedster who had his mask on with the red badge with the nazi logo on it.

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