Chapter 27

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Everyone was seeing with fear in their eyes how Kara was about to unleashed her heat vision towards Alex which could kill her in no time, Alex had her eyed widened for seconds as she saw that there was no Kara Danvers left in her sister. The words she said to her about repairing her mistakes didn't sound in the kryptonian's head and she could also see the anger and hate Kara had in her eyes when she arrived to the DEO once again, so now the agent was backing up in the wall waiting for the final strike from her sister hoping for the best as her friends and heroes where also tied up and maybe this nazi people where preparing something for them.

Suddenly an alarm started ringing around the DEO making everyone confused and turning into the big screens the base had, even the SS members turned to see the screens to see what was going on, Siren X was the first one to speak as she saw what was going on with the sceens showing what looked liked the TV news.

"General you need to see this" Siren X exclaimed with a serious voice turning to see Overgirl for an instant to then return her glance to the screens, the General then stopped her heat vision to see what was going on although she was now angry cause something stopped her from killing Alex. Overgirl walked to the center of the DEO where her partner was seeing on the screens, she left behind Prometheus and Dark Arrow watching this earth's heroes.

Overgirl after being along side Siren X saw the screens and what she saw was something she didn't expect, Alex then who was a little hurt thanks for her sister's attacks looked towards the DEO systems and saw what was the reason for the alarms to be activated, her eyes got widened as now they where completely doomed, things couldn't got worse with now this adding to the nazi SS members where Kara was part.

"Alex what is happening now?" Mon-El asked confused from his spot still cuffed and wanting to know what happened cause he saw how Alex's mood change from fear to now shock in a instant, this was something big that was for sure.

"Agent Danvers, talk to us, why is the alarm ringing?" J'onn replied now without any patience as he saw how Alex didn't answer to Mon-El and now they were getting worried about why the older Danvers wasn't listening to them.

"Whatever the reason is Alex, please just say something!" Clark now shouted from his spot too towards her wanting a response cause if things weren't difficult now adding seeing Alex like this make things worse and they knew the agent wasn't easy to surprised or to make her get in shock. Alex then after sighing heavily and looking at the screens system they had and also with pain in her voice still hurt from before simply replied to her friends but especifically looking to Mon-El and Imra.

"Reign, she's back" Alex said with her voice shaking a little looking at the legionaires with also a serious glare in her cause things where getting worse in a matter in minutes which could end things really badly for them and the city. Mon-El and Imra where now completely shocked and understood why the agent was so silent before, the one villain who could make things going to hell was now back in National City. She completely destroyed them the first time, even Clark couldn't stand against her months weeks ago, J'onn was also thinking that something was needed to be done right now cause the nazis where the least of there problems compared to Reign not knowing that their worst nightmare was just infront of them.

"She is going to destroy the city, we need to do something!" Mon-El exclaimed towards Alex who agree with him but knowing that it was an impossible thing to do as they where completely under the german SS members who invaded them first and completely defeated them so easily and wouldn't allowed them to even move from their spot.

"That is not our problem, that Reign could do whatever she wants with this world" Prometheus replied looking at Alex and the legionaires with a serious voice not caring of what could happen to them as he knew that the only ones who will do something to this people where his leaders. Also he and Dark Arrow didn't give a damn about this new person arriving to this city which they saw how afraid they where about her which was something interesting to see.

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