Chapter 23

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Blitzkrieg then walked into the old speed lab where he saw his partners with both Harry and Caitlin cuffed by the hands, the doctor was still in her metahuman cuffs to avoid a potential problem. Siren X was standing next to her avoiding any potential attempt to escape, Dark Arrow and Prometheus where surveilling Harry who didn't tried anything as he knew how this people worked with their enemies, so maybe he will be dead and now he wants to know the reason of him and Caitlin being taken apart from the rest of the group.

Overgirl was taking glances at them every minutes analyzing every step or thing they made, she didn't want anything to go wrong in their return. Soon she saw her lover Blitzkrieg walking inside the lab, this made her smirk under her mask, her love for the speedster was big and she knew that nothing will ever change the way she feels towards him. For Overgirl there's only him no more.

"Did your plan worked sir?" Prometheus asked from his position along side Dark Arrow.

"It was better than I thought, they are so easy and predictable" Blitzkrieg replied serious after his plan worked out perfectly, also this was going according to their plan but he had now other idea for Harry and Caitlin who where under Siren X and Dark Arrow's surveillance.

"Mein Fuhrer, we brought them here like you ordered. What's next?" Siren X asked from her position towards the speedtser who only turned his head towards her and said.

"Leave that to me, go back with the rest of your partners. I'm going to do this personally" Blitzkrieg answered back to her and Siren just nodded walking away from them going back to the entrance of the speed lab where the rest of the SS members were standing.

Blitzkrieg then turned around and saw both Harry and Caitlin standing up looking directly towards him, he smirk and deactivate his mask with then taking off his cowl showing his face again. Caitlin and Harry couldn't still believe that their friend was now a german nazi from Earth X who was the total opposite to the Barry they knew from years ago.

"I have something for you Wells, both of you weren't that bad with me or even Kara back there. So first, Harry I will request you something that you wouldn't waste if I were you and this time with no tricks. You are gonna do something or build a device so you can returned back to Earth 2 with your daughter, you can stay here but this place is crap and disgusted me, so maybe it's better if you go out of here to somewhere else where you don't have memories of people who didn't care about their partners. My recomendation, go away this will be my first and only warning Wells, because maybe if I see you the next time I may be not so friendly" Barry said with a small smirk all the time and also with a very serious voice who gave them chills, they never thought Barry could be this threatning.

Harry was surprised to hear Barry's request, he didn't know if this was also a trap before killing him. He was tricked before, even he did it to him when Zoom kidnappned her daughter but something in the speedster's eyes and face showed him that maybe he was telling the truth, that this wasn't a trap and wanted him to be free and back home in Earth 2.

"That look on your faces indicated me that you don't trust me, I get it and I am not blaming you for that. Good for you for being cautious as this, but my request is formarly honest, I want you to go back to Earth 2 and be safe with your daughter. I admire you Wells and you always had my back when team Flash existed, so I want you safe in other place far of the people who turned their backs on me and Kara" Barry replied with a serious face and telling Harry that he could be free without any other problem.

"I will take your request Allen, but I don't know if Ramon would allowed that, also I can build something to go back to my Earth, but I need Cisco's help to make it easy" Harry said looking at Barry with no emotion in his face and being cautious in his words.

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