Chapter 10

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Overgirl and Blitzkrieg where now close to their main goal, the speedster activates the comms and says.

"Commander, where is located the main center, we are on the inside" the speedster says and quickly he gets the what he needs.

"It's on the east area, you just need to move from there 2 blocks and you will see it, is the most advanced area of the base" Commander Neumann replies to him clearly.

"Kopiere das" Blitzkrieg replies and deactivates the comms and return the walk with her partner.

Once again soldiers from the Resistance sent by Captain Hunter get in their way and Blitzkrieg quickly reacts and lunches to attacked them, and dodges a punch from one of them and attack another one by punching him hard on the face and then hitting the soldier in the gut, then goes into the other one and does the same, punching hard on the face and then taking one of the man's arms and twisted it completely gaining a scream by the soldiers, this satisfies him and then pushes him to a wall and takes wraps his arm around his neck and then uses his forcé to break his throat killing him, then he goes to the other man who is trying to stand up but groaning in pain but Blitzkrieg walks to him and takes his head with his hands and breaks his neck abruptly also killing him in the process.

All of this was seen by Overgirl and she is really surprise by what Barry had turned, she likes what she saw from him and has an evil grin under her mask after her lover's brutal demonstration.

Dark Arrow and Prometheus where now getting closed to the command center of the allies but they heard grunts and screams of pain coming from another side of the base, they quickly rise their bows ready to attack, when then they see a soldier's body fly towards the wall and see that it is completely lifeless. After that they see Blitzkrieg walk by them with Overgirl on his back, they smirk at the speedster and reply.

"Well done both of you, this is the area, the commander center i son the inside, careful is not that easy as it looks, they have big security waiting for us" Prometheus says with his module voice revealing some obstacules he identify after looking to this base schedules on their Nazi base.

"Leave it to me, I want some actions and there's nothing in here that can make a single thing to me" Overgirl says all serious as Dark quickly nods to her. 

She then with one hit destroys the security door and enters the main center but the security systems kicks out shoting at her but as the allies didn't know she is bulletproof and uses her heat vision and destroy the torrets on the top of the room and also some cameras, and then officers and commanders appeared on her route and shoot her but failling to do something to her and she just sped towards them and starts to fight them. She uses her advanced training and lunches punching one officer on face and knocking them to the floor, the she uses her heat vision and killing two more soldiers as there is only screaming and pain by them, Overgirl then kills the only soldiers alive by breaking his throat.

The other three listened to how she is handing everything in the inside and they are very pleased by hearing how the soldiers are screaming in pain and being defeated, Blitzkrieg chuckles at this, his lover is so badass and amazing. He then starts feeling the speedforce running fast in his body, he feels better than ever, somehow it seems that the dampeners failed or get deactivated and his powers are back. He then vibrates his hand and his face turns into an evil grined, Dark sees this and now their situation is better than ever, both of his new partners have powers so it was now time to enter and search for info and also, for one of their enemies, Captain Hunter from the British resistance.

"Speed us inside, we are gonna end this now and get what we want" Dark replies serious and Blitzkrieg nods and speds Dark and Prometheus into the command center. 

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