Chapter 25

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The nazi members of the SS where in the cortex now completely ready with their weapons and other stuff for the start of the second and last part of Blitzkrieg and Overgirl's plan on going between universes. Dark Arrow was now ready with his bow, arrows and gadget prepared with Prometheus also now with his mask on and his weapons ready, Siren X was now ready as well with her mask on too and her canary cry ready to be used against someone who dared to disrupted their plans. Their leaders Fuhrer Blitzkrieg and General Overgirl where preparing the final details of the second invasion now to Earth 38 which was Kara's old home and now hated with passion.

Blitzkrieg had now the final piece before starting their way through Earth 38 where he is now anxious to go and do more chaos with his lover just like they did in his old home Earth 1 with team Flash, he waled into the cortex where Overgirl was now ready with the rest of the group of SS members go he saw them ready and fully suited, Prometheus then saw their leader and with respect he stated.

"Mein Fuhrer, everyone ready for your plan. Everything is set to go" Prometheus replied with his voice deep thanks to his mask while seeing with respect to the speedster.

"Perfect, I just got the final part for our plan to be complete and is this little device which will make things easier for us" Blitzkrieg said to the archer very serious as the rest of the SS members listened carefully to their leader's words which got their attention when he told them about a device.

"So now that we're ready let's move on, there's to much for us to do on the other side of the Earth we're going. One thing for you, don't wait to attacked unless we ordered it, that other people need to suffer and receive pain that's for sure, so don't hold up" Overgirl stated very sternly towards the archers and Siren X who where grinning under their masks while Blitzkrieg saw with proud his lover, this was one of many reasons he loved her so much.

"Yes General" replied the archers and also Siren X who was excited to create more chaos just like it happened in this earth which made her sick for seeing to many soft péople, she was missing her greatness home Earth X who was under their rule.

Blitzkrieg then put back his cowl on and then actívate his proper mask which was now covering his whole face, the speedster also actívate his comms with the Wehrmacht soldiers he brought from Earth X and now he replied in the comunications system.

"Soldaten, ich mochte, dass Sie die Labore bewachen, niemand betritt oder verlasst den Ort, es iste in Befehl" Blitzkrieg replied in german sternly and serious towards the soldiers who where standing some of them protecting the main entrance of the labs and the rest where outside the elevator reasurring that no one except them or their SS members and leaders can be there as well.

"Ja, mein Fuhrer" the response was heard in german with the soldiers voices on the other side of the system making the speedster more secure knowing that his soldiers where gonna stay here protecting the place which was his for a long time and now the Wehrmacht soldiers would gonna surveil it when the SS members travel to Earth 38. Now that the Fuhrer deactivate the comms with his soldiers he turned around to his partners saying.

"Now that everything is settle, I have this. This device which is smaller than the ones we had was a 'gift' for the General some time ago when we used to lived here. Now is our most precious belonging to jump into that other Earth" Blitzkrieg stated serious to his partners and showing an interdimensional extrapolator that Cisco made last year for both himself and also one to Kara when the aliens invasion.

"Just follow me in the process of this mission, let the General do her part alone. That is also part of our plan, you will need every weapon and gadget you have under your suits as in the other side and to where we're going, there's hostile people" the speedster replied again with a deeper voice thanks to his mask and warning the rest of the SS members of where they're going to complete their mission, the rest of the nazi members just nodded and were now more than ready to support and stay along side their leaders in this event.

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