Chapter 26

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The DEO right now was a complete mess with many agents injured on the ground struggling or worse, being dead with their bodies laying everywhere with blood all over them. Alex, Clark, J'onn, Mon-El, Imra and Winn where all on the floor with special cuffs on their wrist against the wall as well while infront of them where three of the five SS nazi members who where keeping an eye on them just as their leaders mentioned. Dark Arrow, Prometheus and Siren X where watching their hostage people of this earth and also keeping an eye on the DEO screens that showed their systems and also some videos of National City where they did surveillance to protect the society from any attack.

Alex was looking with amazement to this people in black and red suits, masks and something that not only her caught her, but also to her friends who where along side her with anger, confusión and desperation to do something. The thing that caught their attention was that this people in their suits as well had a symbol which in their recent times was completely erradicated, it was almost seventy years since it was last seen, it was the old german nazi symbol on top of their suits which looked really good and advanced, sadly their intentions where the worst ones.

While she was about to say something to this people who they believed where german cause no one in the world would put on something or even defend that symbol. Suddenly a red streak arrived stopping right infront of them showing again a man who they saw before, Alex inmediately recognized him as a speedster cause they where the only ones who could do that and had a similar suit, also cause her sister always talked about her friend/boyfriend now Barry and they always left a color streak when they ran.

The speedster just walked towards his SS partners which inmediately turned to see him with expectation, Blitzkrieg was now with a serious attitude as they where ready for their second phase of the plan. He then was received by Dark Arrow and Prometheus saying to their leader.

"Those agents are inmobilized on the floor, there's no worry that they will be a threat to us. Some of them are dead, so is better for us" Dark Arrow replied to Blitzkrieg giving him a report of the situation after their invasion to DEO base, the speedster was satisfied with the answer which made him smirk under his mask liking what he heard. Then Alex saw the speedster and inmediately asked with sternly voice with anger.

"Who are you? What do you want with us?" Alex exclaimed pissed at this people in black and red who didn't even turned around to see her not caring about her.

"Hey, answer her question or else you will regret it!" Mon-El replied threatning as well agreeing with Alex wanting an explanaition from this random people who showed up and practically destroyed their base, hurt agents including them. Then Blitzkrieg simply turned his glances back to Alex and Mon-El and even though he had his mask on both of them could feel the speedster's eyes on them behind those glowing red eyes on the mask.

"You're not going to get anything from us, you are not in position to order us. You even aren't worth it to die for" Blitzkrieg stated with a deep voice which shocked both Alex and Mon-El with the rest of their team, they didn't heard someone talking like that before, the mask had this effect on the people which was something the SS members enjoyed seeing in their enemies.

"What do you want with us?" Clark asked now a little weaked as he had some kryptonite cuffs on his wrists but still having enough energy to maintained himself and talk, he also asked with anger and demanding to this people their intentions.

"Where's Kara? What did you do with her?" Mon-El asked now pissed after not seeing Kara which worried him so much as he just seeing her back in their Earth after she went missing, so right now he wanted to protect her from this and see if she could help them not knowing the real reasons of the invasion of this nazi soldiers.

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