Chapter 6

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When they arrive again to the medbay they saw Kara moving a little still in confusión not knowing where she is, the three men enter the bay but maintain the distance with her as Barry walks fast to her and help her now that she seems good after the attack.

As Kara wake up she sees that she is on what it looks like a medbay but with some advanced technology on it, it looked good but she had questions, who brought her here? What is this place? Where is Barry? This last thought scared her cause she didn't see him next to her or in the same room as her, she was worried for him as suddenly a door opens and sees Barry enter this medbay and inmediately rushes towards her and Kara also jumps off the bed and hugs him hard finally relaxing on his arms and relief to see him alive and ok.

"I'm so glad you're ok Barry" Kara says with relief and smiling at him as Barry smile also nodding.

"Yeah I'm ok, but how are you feeling?" Barry asks now worry for her as now she answers.

"I'm good I just need some solar energy and that would be it" Kara replies to him smiling a bit as Barry hugs her again feeling happy and Kara also hugs him again tightly with her head on his chest.

Suddenly Kara see the door open of the medbay and three men enter with black and red suit with masks on, there was also a man with a yellow suit like Barry's and for what it looks like he was a speedster.

"Well it's good that you're awake" Dark Arrow says with the voice module mask.

"Who are you? And what is this place?" Kara ask fast and she prepares to attack in case they try something on her and Barry.

"We will tell you that later, we just need your decision about the request we gave to him" Dark Arrow replies to her and Kara is now confused for this.

Barry then turns to Dark Arrow and says.

"Could you please leave us alone here, we will see you on the room we were before" Barry tells the three men in there.

"Zimmer, that's how is called, your welcome Allen" Tommy says to Barry smirking as he chuckles at his attitude.

"Do it fast Flash, you don't want me to sped things up do you?" Thawne says to him with a sadic smile.

Barry at this just breathes deeply controlling himself for now before he sped to Thawne and rippes his head and beats him alive.

Then the three guys exit the medbay and leave Barry and Kara alone to finally talk about everything. He for the next minutes explain everything that he knew about this Earth, the history of it and more. About also of who was the people she just saw and finally the request or deal they give to them instead of being here as intruders and be in prison for many years or worst.

Kara was shock, first to see that this Earth was running under the Nazi orders with the Reich, also that for what they have seen it could be dangerous to decline the offer, although they know the consequences of changing literally from being yourself to one person fully loaded with so many crazy things on your mind like the Nazis were back in the 1940's but the difference was that in here they still exist and are conquering every territory they land or touch.

"This is hard you know, I knew what this people did on my Earth and also yours, they are crazy in everything but I don't know, I have a weird feeling about this, I don't mind staying here, who cares what history said in our Earths" Kara says to him being surprise at the end by her own words.

"I understand you, me too I hope that this pay off, I already have my decision but I want to hear yours, also I want to accept their offer for another reason" Barry says starting to get serious.

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