Chapter 15

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A week has passed since the end of World War ll, Germany was now the official winner as quickly in different parts of the world they were taking control of several countries they invaded as the years were running and some others will ally with them to avoid any confrontation.

In United States the german and nazi flags were now waving in almost every state, but for the moment they weren't renaming the country, they were waiting for the right moment, that's when the goverment show their society and the world the start of the name fifth Reich of the country, this constant in the high members of Germany naming the new leaders of their armed forces and their new general leader in America. They also wanted this new leader to be someone with power, someone who sacrifices himself everything for Germany and their people.

In Europe, specifically Berlin, the high members of the goverment were talking with Commander Neumann who at the moment with Dark Arrow were the big leaders of the Reich and nazi forces in America and part of the european forces too. They talked to them about how they finally had the perfect candidate for 'the' position. After many years they found a valuable member who was the ideal person who can lead Germany to a new era of highness, to make history with the nation and to raise the country more than ever, so they can be the only superpowered country in the world.

After that talks the members of the goverment accepted the terms about this new candidate which they were excited to meet, Neumann and Dark Arrow talked highly about him as he was someone relative new to the Fatherland but show a high level of loyalty, power and determination to give the best of himself for the nation and society. Also in the the talks with this members, they talked about a second member which were also very impressed and that they wanted to give a very respectful position which they also agreed after hearing about the first one.

Everything was set, tomorrow a big reunión will take place in the Bundestag at Berlin were the new generation will start the very anticipated fifth Reich. In United States at the headquarters the soldiers and nazi officers were preparing all of Commander Neumann's orders because tomorrow it was gonna be a big day for their country and armed forces as a new leader and other people were gonna start a new generation of leadership in the story of Germany.

The day has arrived and everything was ready it was just manner of time for their Commander Neumann to receive the order and the 'yes' from their partners in Berlin to call his SS members and with also, their future leader. Right now Blitzkrieg and Overgirl were peacefully laying in bed on their room making out and in eachothers arms. Suddenly their alerts on their gloves actívate showing that they were required in the command center for something important.

Blitzkrieg leaned back from kissing and raised his left hand showing his black glove of his suit and in the middle a small SS logo glowing in red blinking several times, this happen to with Overgirl as she too had a glove like that just like the other SS members as Prometheus and Dark Arrow.

"They need us at the Kommanderzentrale, let's see what is it" the speedster said with a serious face and looking at the woman who he loves with all his power.

"Yeah, this must be important" she replied too moving up from him as they were cuddle up and kissing as this was their favorite thing to do in their free time as well as othet things.

"I was so comfy with you babe, I hope this is important" Overgirl replied a little mad as she was having a good time with her lover.

"I know my love me too, I promised that when we're back, I'll be all yours" Blitzkrieg said putting a hand on her face and smiling a little at the end, this made Overgirl smile too, she really love this man.

"I'm looking foward now" she replied smiling and then both lean for a sweer kiss, some seconds later they separate not before pecking their lips one last time before moving back a little as she actívate her mask as he put back on his cowl and actívate his mask too.

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