Chapter 7

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Earth 1

Time lapse*

After being in the Waverider for some time, Oliver and Cisco decide to go to Star Labs and continue their investigation. Team Arrow, Team Flash and Alex were the only ones left there as the Legends had to go because they have their own battle in the temporal zone but they told the rest of heroes that if something happens they will be there for help.

In the cortex the two teams were gathering in everything for they could for searching Kara and Barry, but Harry enter the cortex after coming from the workshop where he and Cisco work, and he doesn't have good news.

"Well after I did my research about finding something about 'your problem' about Barry, and it doesn't make any sense" Harry replies in his typical manner and this confuses everyone in the room.

"What does that mean Harry?" Cisco says confuse like the rest of the teams.

"We can't invent something for searching a speedster time remnant, there's no way because time remnant are the same person as the one who create it, there's never such a big difference like when you told me about Barry's problem with West here" Harry replies explaining to them the real problem.

"You mean that, the Barry that was with me all of the time and decide to break or engagement was our real friend and my real fiancee?" Iris exclaims almost surprise but at the same time doesn't know what to think about this explanaition from Harry.

"Yes, he was never a duplicate or remnant I don't know how could you said something stupid like that" Harry says annoyed at the reasons of them attacking Barry, he knew very much about this because of the fight they had with Zoom some years ago.

"Your telling us that we all turn against him for a reason that is completely unexistent?" Oliver replies surprise, serious and ashamed at himself for never think about other possibilities at this.

"Thats right Mr Queen, I can't believe you really make a fool of yourselfs by thinking that Allen was time remnant, didn't you learned something from when we confronted Zoom years ago?" Harry says annoyed now starting to defend Barry, he gained his respect when he help him with Zoom and to rescue her daughter Jesse from him like he promise and also was the first one to defend him in difficult moments, so Barry was someone who he admire.

At this everyone again was shock maybe Wells was right, they should't leave him and accuse him off something they didn't have evidence, they all felt the guilt of making someone very closed to them to tear apart from them, but not only Barry also Kara cause she was the only one who saw that the reasons of everyone pointing at him where false and stupid.

Oliver decide to go out of the cortex after feeling bad for betraying his best friend trust. Felicity after seeing him like this follow him cause she wants to be with him, even in this types of situation. Cisco also didn't feel good after remembering what team Flash learned about Zoom

But Iris refuses to believe this, she knew that Barry loved her and she was always with him and she loved him for so long, and this makes her fumed again, why he broke the engagement with her when they were destinated to be together, how could he started develop feelings for Kara and much worst that it was since for a long time ago that he didn't love her, this makes her so heart broken and angry at him, what does Kara had that she doesn't. Iris will not let him go, she loves Barry so much and for her 'they are The Flash' not only him so if she sees him again she will try and recover their relationship.

They are now gonna find a way to find their friends and deliver a big 'sorry' to them and try to gain their trust on this, not knowing that on other Earth they are now getting completely transform into someone else with only one target.

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