Chapter 14

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At the main command center Blitzkrieg was now arriving after speding around the base searching for the most important room, he then started seing the last high commanders from the Resistance all worried and terrified after seeing their army and men falling down. Right now after many years, they started to look that it was now impossible to do something, they had admitted their defeat in war.

The speedster smirk and walked inside the room gaining everyone's attention, the officers and some soldiers inmediately aimed their guns towards the nazi. Blitzkrieg was enjoying seeing the allies all in desperation and having their guns pointing to him was something that made him almost laugh, he wanted to 'play' with them for a little.

"Stay there and don't move!" the commander of the Resistance replied firmirly while looking at the german speedster with pure hate.

Blitzkrieg didn't move a little and more soldiers and officers surroinded him with their own guns aimed towards him, he was chuckling gaining the attention from the commander which was still pissed for just seeing the nazi infront of him, they wanted them to pay for everything they did since the 1940's and all the chaos and horrors did.

"What's so funny? You're surrounded, you are alone and closed to be arrested for war crimes, this is your last time in liberty cause from now on, you will be on a cell for the rest of your life" another officer said with an authority voice and threatning the speedster infront of him.

"We know you were the one who killed Captain Hunter in Great Britain, you don't know what you got into, but this is it, we may be on the edge of losing war, but you will not see another day in your life" the commander of the Resistance which was assign after Captain Hunter's dead said with total hate and anger towards one of several people from a country with crazy ideologies.

"Are you sure about that?" Blitzkrieg replied with a very scary voice tone to the Resistance's men, they looked at him with curiosity but still aiming to him.

Then Blitzkrieg hands turned into fists and red lightning started to appeared and surround his body completely at fast speed, his eyes glowed red and under his mask he had the darkest grinned watching how the men were looking at him with shock, the commander of the base knew what this meant, so inmediately screamed.

"Get out of here!" the commander said with worry in his voice but it was to late, he inmediately saw how a red streak was running around the soldiers and officers faster than ever, then the speedster stop in the same place.

After that every single soldier and officer started to fall down to the floor dead after Blitzkrieg broked their necks in a second, the commander saw how in just manner of seconds their advantage over the nazi was over as he killed them. After the speedster finished, he watched directly to the Resistance's officer with anger as the commander was now fearing for his life, then Blitzkrieg sped towards him and started to beat him completely, hitting him in the face repeately, in the gut and stomach and just like before, he inmobilized him by broking a leg.

The commander screamed in clear pain after the speedster's actions, he was now floor trying to stand up but the injuries were severe and struggled to regained balance. He now was praying to survive as then Blitzkrieg took him with his hands pulling him up and then pushed the officer into the wall exclaiming.

"This is over, your pathetic group of soldiers is now dead. You really thought that your countries could take a chance with Germany? You're weak, you don't have what it takes to command and rule country, all the people of your class are nothing compared to us, we are by far superior and now that this is over, we will spread our ideolgy to prevent any type of your stupid american and basic knowledge" Blitzkrieg said with a deep and scary voice still holding up the officer, the man was now scared and after listening to the speedster's words, his hate towards the nazis rised up.

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