Chapter 5

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Earth 1


Oliver, Cisco and Alex were shocked cause Kara and 'Barry' enter the portal with them not knowing were they are gonna appear. Now this got harder than they thought, not only 'Barry' was gone and they will have to find their friend and partner alone but Kara was on his side and support him so this was a big obstacule.

"They're gone Cisco, were could they possible go in that portal?" Oliver asks to him.

"Yeah were could my sister appear? Is she gonna be ok traveling into that thing?" Alex replies also worry for her sister.

"They could be in any Earth of the multiverse, I can try to search them by touching something from him but it will take time for me to discover the Earth frecuency of it" Cisco says to them.

"And yeah your sister is gonna be alright, travel between universe in not bad or makes you hurt, and she is Supergirl so she will be alright" Cisco replies again now looking to Alex not to worry about she being in danger cause of she being kryptonian.

"I can help you Cisco with developing something with vibrations patterns to search them in the multiverse" Ray says now to him.

"Gray says he can help too, he help team Flash with some crazy guy named Zoom before" Jax says after Proffesor Stein told him about he working on breaches before.

"Right lets go everyone, call Sara so we can leave this place" Oliver says to them nodding moving to the Waverider who was lowing down to the ground and pick the small squad, as they enter the ship inmediately moves into the air and flies away.

Arriving to the center were the rest of heroes were waiting Oliver, Cisco and Alex get ready to tell everyone what happen, later Ray and Firestorm enter the place.

Iris was the first one to talk very worried about what happen to this 'Barry' and her no longer friend Kara, she was still angry at her for steal her Barry in the future although it hasn't happen for them, but in the other part of the multiverse, for the supercouple it already did.

"Guys, what happen down there? Did you know where Barry is" Iris ask serious to them.

Oliver and Cisco have a face of not knowing how to say it and Alex was just sad cause she fight shoot her sister. Iris saw this and get more mad cuase they didn't answer her, she was starting to bothered both of them, they understand she is sad and dissapointed about Barry but she didn't do anything in there, but they have to control themselves.

"Barry create a breach to another universe or Earth, he and Kara enter the breach and we don't know were they could be" Alex says instead of them a bit serious for this situation.

"He escape?" Iris exclaims loud and this surprises everyone, 'Barry' was free with Kara under his sights, this was getting harder and harder with each minute it pass.

"We are gonna work on something to locate them, Ray and Stein are gonna help me, I just need to get Harry to be more and also to be able and search them" Cisco says with a plan.

"Ok, we're gonna find Barry after this, I hope that he is ok" Iris says sad and worried.

"He will be ok Iris, he always fights to get back to you and his family" Felicity replies and Caitlin nods in agreement.

"Yeah we're gonna search for him together, we will bring your fiancee and my brother safe and home" Wally says hugging her sister.

Everyone was getting some courage after this, Barry was a special person for everyone, he was an incredible guy and so sweet to them and they will do anything to find him alive. Not knowing that he was good and was the guy they betray harshly with some stupid acusation and only one person did stand by his side.

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