Chapter 9

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The flight was a bit longer cause their main base is in America, in the US, although when they defeat completely the Resistance and conquer the whole territory they will renamed it as Germany. Dark Arrow request his partners to rest cause once they arrive to Great Britain, there will no chance to do any other activity, they will need one hundred percent in everything and stay focus all time.

In the plane the four of them where resting, Barry was taking a small nap as well as Kara but in different seats to avoid potential arguments with their partners and maybe the SS. Tommy was also asleep, they want to have the máximum rest and energy so they can efficient on the field, as Oliver he was also taking a nap but ocasionately waking up to check if everything was ok with the pilot and their surrounding incase of an attack. Commander Neumann was along side the pilot checking everything also.

Hours later they started to wake up, Barry was the first one, following Kara and Tommy. Oliver was already waken up and everyone saw that everything was fine, moments later they arrive to Great Britain, the plane's engine is turn off as the door of the plane is open by a officer of the Nazi base in there and the first one to leave the aircraft is their commander.

"Kommandant, is a pleasure to see you again" the officer says rising his arm firm, more soldiers are there to receive one of the SS leaders and they also rise their arm saluting him, next Dark Arrow, Prometheus, Overgirl and Blitzkrieg exit the plane but everyone now with their mask on covering their identity that only a few know.

The officers and soldiers where surprised, they never saw this new members on their field, their uniform and equiment was impressive to them, but quickly remembered if their Reich and Fatherland recruited new people, they are extremerly important, so they also rised their arm firm to them.

The four Nazi people arrive into their base that they established some time ago in Great Britain so they can finally conquered more countries in Europe. In the main headquarters they where officer who inmediately after seeing Commander Neumann they position themselves in a respect way towards him and the main partners in the SS.

"Ok, now that we're here, we need a strategy to first strike their front forcé so we can access their base" the commander says towards his group of the SS serious while they looked at him.

A officer then speaks trying to help their partners because something was not okay in their plan and it was necessary for them to know.

"Sir, we have some intelligence and picture to see that they have some high tech guns and metahuman dampeners, so powers in case one of you had would be completely useless"

"Don't worry about the powers, we have our training for something so we don't care that they have dampeners, we will enter that base one way or another" Barry says serious and now being Blitzkrieg on the base and hearing as the mask has a module voice so everyone doesn't identify him.

Kara heard this and smirk under her own mask, she like it and also love her lover's new attitude.

"Thanks for that information soldaten, it's appreciate your effort" Dark Arrow says and the soldiers nods and retires from there.

"So, we will divide in two groups, me and Prometheus will go into their east side, and Blitzkrieg and Overgirl will go into the west side, we wil take care firstly of the men in the outside, our Wehrmacht will cover us while we attack and get into their base" Dark explains the strategy of invasion to the allies.

"I will guide everyone in here and if you need support just activate your comms, every suit has one and it has direct contact with us here in the base and with your partners , so alone you will never be" the commander replies to them and they nod.

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