Chapter 21

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Earth X was ready, well the five members of the elite SS were now ready for their Fuhrer and General's mission which they agreed to go and help, as they were partners and never leave a member or a german in disguised in a battle. So right now everyone was in their in their suits and masks on with a Wehrmacht squad under Blitzkrieg's orders ready for deployment. Dark Arrow arrived with a silver briefcase in his hands while in the other one he had his advanced bow.

Blitzkrieg was now more than ready, he waited for this for months since his and Kara's arrival to Earth X, they trained and mastered their power with their high combat skills developed in the SS and other nazi forces. Overgirl was there too being a little impatient as she wanted to arrive into Earth 1 and 38 and start the hell in earth. Prometheus arrived too now fully equipment and with his bow on his hand too, he was looking foward to this mission as the Fuhrer told him that in this specific assignment it was gonna be so much tension and 'fun' so for him it was gonna great.

The fifth member of the SS was also ready, for Blitzkrieg with knowing who she was and she can do was more than clear that she could and needed to come into the mission. Also cause it was gonna be another surprise for their old 'friends' in Earth 1 specially. Dark Arrow then opened the briefcase showing three devices with a form of circle looking advanced as the technology seemed impressive for them.

"This will allowed us to travel between universes, our research team didn't had a problem by creating what you ordered Mein Fuhrer. We're ready to go now if you wish" Dark Arrow replied taking one of the devices in his hand showing it to Blitzkrieg and then to Overgirl with Prometheus and the other woman behind them watching it, only the Wehrmacht soldiers couldn't see it and they understand perfectly why.

"Of course, get ready and take one device Prometheus. I'm taking one too and I will hide it under my suit" Blitzkrieg replied with a deep voice as the mask was doing her work perfectly and he took the device putting it in some special place inside his suit where only he could know.

"Let's go, we have some unfinished business with people across the multiverse" Overgirl exclaimed serious and wanting to opened the portal, she waited for this moment and know finally the will be back.

"Like the General said, let's move. Soldaten, bereit fur den Einsatz" Blitzkrieg said in a very sternly voice making the german soldiers raised their arms in respect towards their leader.

"Naturalich Herr" the whole Wehrmacht squad replied loud and clear, the group was comformed by twenty of the best men in the armed german forces, special petition from the General this time.

Blitzkrieg nodded to Dark Arrow and he then pressed what it looked like a button on the device, slowly a sound was heard and seconds later and blue spiral was opened infront of them, Blitzkrieg and Overgirl knew this very well, it was a breach. Blitzkrieg then took the initiative by walking to the breach first with now Overgirl, Dark Arrow, Prometheus, the woman and the whole german armed squad behind them walking in a perfect gear with their SMG guns, a MP40 who they held in their hands each nazi.

Seconds later the breach closed in the hangar where they where secretively and far from everyone else of the Reich or the Bundestag members from Berlin who sometimes came to their headquarters in Central City, this time it wasn't the case so better for our SS members.

Earth 1

At STAR Labs team Flash was still working in finding a way to search Barry and Kara, but they were finding hard to create a solution or a device with the perfect equation that can allowed them go into Earth X. It was only noon as they had the rest of the day to do something. Cisco, Caitlin and Iris where now in the cortex trying to find something that could make them start the search on Barry and Kara more precisely, Harry was also there writting some equations doing his job in helping his friends but with no success too.

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