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It was just a few days to the wedding of Barry and Iris, everyone was happy for them, family, friends and heroes were looking forward to the wedding of what Cisco named West-Allen. The preparations were almost ready and the invitations were sent to all the guests.

Iris of course was ecstatic for this, she waited for so long to marry the man of her dreams, the one she's been in love half of her life, but she have her chance when Barry became The Flash, but that doesn't matter to her, Joe was happy to finally see her daughter be in white and marry with he says is the perfect man to her, he loves both Barry and Iris so this for him was a magical moment, he of course will walk Iris to the shrine, Caitlin and Felicity were two of three bridesmaids she wanted. As Barry has Oliver and Cisco as his best man's, yeah both he actually does this cause why not.

But not all is happiness and love, since sometime ago Barry feelings for Iris were gone, there was no more and he knew it, but he didn't know how to say something or stop this. The reason for this was that for quite sometime Barry developed feelings for a certain kryptonian from Earth 38, yes he has feelings for Kara Danvers, since their last encounters with the Dominators and they get even stronger in their adventure with the Music Meister.

He love how she is in general, she is brave, adorable, she never gives up, intelligent, she is selfless, and watches for her family and friends, and of course for him she was the most beautiful girl not only in the world, it was on the multiverse, he only had a problem well two, one was that he was with Iris although he liked Kara, and the second one was that he was afraid of telling her and not be corresponded, so he had to try to stop this feelings, but Barry couldn't and now he doesn't care, he wants this feelings and he now is searching for a way to see Kara alone and confess finally his feelings, it was not gonna be easy thanks for the short days he had but it was a risk he was gonna make.

Although he wasn't the only one who had problems with the wedding, in Earth 38 also Kara was getting sad and prepare for the day she wants to quickly forget, the day she will see up close how the man she has feelings and loves is marrying another woman, and that woman is a friend of hers, since the Music Meister encounter she started to develop feelings for the scarlet speedster, she loves his intelligence, bravery, optimistic, positive and the way he confronts the obstacles of life, and in a second place of all of that was that he was very handsome but the first part was what make her fall for Barry. It killed her everytime she visited Barry; he was with Iris, well Iris was all closed and hooked up in his arms. She admits she wishes to be in Iris' place, also the jealousy she felt every time they hug or kiss was big although she was good at hiding her feelings from her friends. But now some days before the wedding she was gonna finally talk to Barry and tell her the way she felt towards him hoping he feels the same way, not knowing that he also was in the same place as her.

Next is chapter 1 guys I hope you like this new story, I know that I'm doing three stories at the same time but this was an idea I had for sometime and I need to do a story. This, World's Finest and Bright Future will all be updated, how I don't know but I will deliver chapters for you guys.

Have a nice day everyone :)


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