Chapter 2

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Everyone saw how Kara took 'Barry' with her and flew away so now they will have to search for them, he was injured so he will not run because of that.

"Guys, Kara took him, what do we do now?" Sara exclaimed to them as Oliver replied.

"Let's get to Star Labs and there we create a way to make her agree with us and trap the remnant." Oliver replied requesting to go to Star Labs all reunited.

"No is better if we go to the Waverider, we have Gideon there and she can be a big help to us." Sara exclaimed and everyone agreed with her and knew they had a better chance of finding them.

"The Waverider is on the air, we left one of us there, Nate is there" Ray said to them telling them that the ship was ready to be used.

"Nate takes the Waverider to the center of the city, on top of Jitters and we will go up to the roof to onboard" Sara said with her secret comms to Nate.

"Copy that captain." Nate replied back from the inside of the Waverider taking control of it.

"I'm coming too, I want to see and ask this time remnant of Barry where my real fiancee is." Iris said with a firm voice tone with confidence, she wanted an answer about this fake Barry who broke her heart.

"Okay, the ship will be here in....." Sara was gonna say something when a big and loud noise is heard from on top of Jitters.

"Well that was fast." Oliver murmured quite surprised but still serious, then he started moving towards the ship.

"Lets go to the Waverider, come on we need to find them and rescue Kara." Oliver continues as the heroes, Iris and Joe enter the Waverider. Wally took Cecile home quickly and then he also entered the ship before it went away to the sky.

As they entered the timeship Barry and Kara were in some warehouse on the outside limits of Central City, he requested to go to Star Labs to pick a device Cisco and Harry worked for Barry. And that was a small hand device of Gideon for him to help in some mission if he requires it.

Kara was worried for him because he was now better from the attack of her friends, but was weak from the attack so he had to be carefull.

"Barry are you ok?" Kara asked for the fifth time as he was in a chair sitting down recovering.

"Yeah I'm just sore and a bit weak, but thanks Kara by the way." Barry answered looking at her with a smile trying to ease her worries.

"I can't believe that they did this to you Barry, how can they do that, why did they take you by a fake person, just because we tell them we love each other they accuse you....." Kara was saying to him while walking side to side very angry not understanding this sudden and drastic reaction from their friends.

As she was talking this her eyes began to glow in blue in sign that her heat vision was gonna be unleash because of her anger, Barry saw this and now stand up still sore and took her hand and also with his other hand took her face and cupped her cheek caressing it softly to try and calm her down.

When Kara saw what he was doing she quickly calmed down and also relaxed under his touch. Barry could bring her down any time and this was a perfect example, the same goes to him, she could take his hand, hug him or anything else and he will relax with her.

"Hey babe, I'm here and ok, don't worry, maybe they don't trust me for what I did to Iris, but I don't care, I know they're my friends and family but I'm still angry at them." Barry started saying in a soft voice tone to her, calming her a little because he didn't like to see her like this, it hurt him so much.

"I'm so pissed of what they do to you, but I will always be on your side Barry, we're gonna confront them with the truth together." Kara replied, pulling him closer to her in her arms, not wanting to let go the man she loved all this time.

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