Chapter 29

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"You know what? I'm getting bored, let's speed things up for good." Overgirl said with an evil grin, she then eyed her 'sister' who was angry but scared at the same time for what Kara was going but also did to her fiance Maggie. Then Kara initiated her heat vision as her eyes glowed blue making Alex now concerned for her safety, then instinctively the agent crossed her arms as an 'x' to protect her face. She was so lucky because seconds later the kryptonian unleashed her heat vision which hit her arms for several seconds making the older Danvers screamed in pain as the laser was burning severely her arms and skins with Alex holding up several seconds before moving out her arms and being shot in the chest and launched into the wall abruptly.

"Kara, no stop, let her go please you need to listen to us. This isn't you!" Mon-El exclaimed concerned, he was now worried for the agent's safety as he saw the damage Overgirl did to her and the daxamite was very concerned too for what Kara could do next knowing that she wasn't being herself.

"This is me! You don't know me at all, also don't tell me your stupid speech because that will only make me want to kill you. I want to do it, but unfortunately for you, I am not gonna be your murderer." Overgirl replied looking at the alien with all anger, she wanted to be the one who ended this daxamite's life which she also couldn't believe she had a thing or relationship with. That made her sick but at least she now had a real man who loved her and adored her for who she really was, that man was always there for her no matter what, her beloved speedster Barry Allen.

"I already did enough on this sick and weak Earth, now I will finish what I started. You can now have fun with this pathetic americans, it's time for us to bring hell." Overgirl replied again bitterly, she then walked quickly towards Alex who was on the ground groaning trying to not scream as the pain of the burns was immense. The General from the Reich then stand the agent on her feet before punching her on the face almost knocking Alex down, hearing the Danvers sister moaned in pain was so satisfying for the german woman so she then started doing the same time and time again, beating Alex with punches in the face, gut and also kicking her stomach furiously. Clark, J'onn and Mon-El were screaming at Overgirl to stop her brutal beating on her old sister but she wasn't even hearing them, the anger, the pain and the betrayal the General was feeling was bigger than her slight humanity she had left.

Overgirl then sped Alex into the wall and now had her choked with her right hand while the agent had her eyes a little widened from the injuries she had, also her feet were loose as the kryptonian lifted her in the air with a sterly look on her eyes. Alex felt like her air and life was slowly getting out of her and she tried hitting Overgirl's arm to be released but she failed every single time.

"Do you have any idea of how much I wanted to do this? It was exciting to punch you, kick you and make you bleed from almost every part of your body. Oh, and how about killing your precious Maggie? Those tears from your eyes, I can be satisfied with that, but I don't. I want to see you miserable and in hell, Alex." Overgirl muttered angrily and talked with hate while choking Alex, the agent was fighting to keep herself alive but it was so difficult for her as the kryptonian was putting a tight pressure on her throat.

"Kara please, let her go if you kill her you will cross a line from which there is no return. Listen to me and to your reasoning, I know there's still a piece of Kara Danvers inside of you just like everyone here. Don't do it." Mon-El exclaimed seeing how Overgirl was choking Alex after punching her and beating her up and down. He couldn't bear to see the woman he still loved to do it, she was so pure and fought for justice in her way, what he was seeing was the complete opposite.

But before he could say another word Mon-El was launched into a wall abruptly with the alien groaning as the impact was hard, he looked up and saw red lightning coming to a stop with the speedster moving closer to him not happy at all and the daxamite saw it. Blitzkrieg threw a powerful punch with his speed at Mon-El's jaw making his lip bleed at how strong it was, the leader of the SS was having none of this. As Mon-El was standing up to attack the speedster the Fuhrer delivered another big hit in the alien's face but with the other hand making him fall down disoriented.

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