Chapter 12

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The sun rise brightly at Earth X and a new day was beginning, Barry was the first one to wake up and as he did he felt some weight on his waist. He looked down and saw had the best sight he could ask, and it was Kara sleeping with her head on his chest and this make him smile widely as yesterday's events were coming to his mind, how they finally show their love to eachother at night and for him it was the best night he had. Barry then sighs and takes off a piece of hair that was on Kara's face.

She then started to wake up too and she also started to realize what happened, Kara then look up and saw her boyfriend looking at her and this make her smile, last night events came to her mind and indeed was the best night she had.

"Morning beautiful" Barry said smiling with a deep voice as he just woke up.

"Good morning, my handsome lover" Kara replied also smiling after yesterday and happy to be in his arms.

"Yesterday was amazing darling" Barry said to her while giving some massage with his right hand on her waist which send chills to Kara.

"I know, and I love every single moment" she replied and lean closer to Barry giving him a sweet kiss which he retuned.

Then they she leans back still smiling and then he said.

"I'm looking foward to repeat it, I hope soon although with us being part of the Reich with be a little hard, but I will always make time for you my love" Barry replied looking to her and move his hand to her face rubbing her cheek softly, as they were laying down still with their legs intertwined.

"Me too, and I don't care if we are tight on time cause of our training and missions with the SS, you're more important to me" Kara said with soft voice to him.

"Also, I absolutely love making love with you babe" she replied again leaning slowly to her boyfriend and rub their noses which make them smile.

"I agree with that" Barry said and kissed her which melt Kara's heart, she loved his kisses as much as he loves hers.

They then started to makeout in their bed still naked as it was still early morning, Kara was softly caressing his hair as Barry was massaging her back with one hand and with the other one he caress her tigh softly too gaining a soft moan from Kara. They makeout for various minutes until they separate and he was the first one to speak.

"I know you will love to continue this, but we need to stand from bed and report at the command center, also we have training and I kind off want to train with Dark Arrow and Prometheus, I want to level my skills even though I improve since we came to this Earth. I want to be at my best and deliver to the Fatherland like they deserved" Barry replied now with his hand her cheek rubbing it softly and telling her that he wants to train with their superior partners and also cause they needed to report to the officers in the SS.

"Yeah, I also want some training too, I want to be perfect in my skills and power efficiency on the field. Finally this is the place where I can use my powers to the absolute máximum, where no one can order me to hold on or to suppress my powers. I like this place and there's no better Earth than here, with the germans and the Reich orders. They show us the truth about ourselves, we are destined to something bigger and the Nazi people opened our eyes to see that their culture is so much better than the american and the Earth 1 or 38's" Kara said getting serious too and also liking the way he thinks, training to be better and more effective.

"You're damn right my love, I can't believe that I was living in an Earth with so much weak people who manipulate us and then hit us on the back. They don't deserve anything, soon when we achieve everything here, we will returned and hell will manifestate in their Earth's. But first we need to achieve victory here, eliminate the Resistance so that Germany could rise in all the american continent" Barry said with an serious glare and then finished with an evil grin that pretty much made Kara turned on.

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