Chapter 17

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Earth 38

Alex was on the DEO in the command center as she was working and watching the screens in case any trouble appears. Since she told J'onn, Winn, Clark and the Legion about the problems Kara got between things were not the same, just thinking about how it went that makes her feel bad and very anxious as they couldn't still find a way to see if Kara was okay.


Alex arrived to the DEO after coming from Kara's apartment as the breach from Earth 1 opened there, she was thinking about how she will explained J'onn and everyone else about Kara not coming back with her and also going out of the radar missing. When she arrived Alex saw Clark with J'onn and the Legion, thinks were about to go worse now.

"Agent Danvers, were where you and Supergirl? It's been more than a month since you went missing" J'onn said pretty much angry to Alex after she and her sister didn't talk with him before going to Earth 1.

"Alex are you okay? Also where is Kara?" Clark replied looking at her with worry and being confused for seeing his cousin.

Alex looked at the whole group and had difficulties to speak, she then took a deep breath and finally started explaining how wrong their trip to Earth 1 went through.

"Kara and I were in Earth 1, we were invited to one of Kara's friends wedding and in was on the other Earth where it took place" Alex answered with some nervousness in her voice and trying to said things the best way.

"You went to Earth 1? That's so cool, why didn't you tell me I wanted to go too" Winn exclaimed excited but sad at the same time for not going to Earth 1, also cause he will experience the multiverse which he geeked out completely.

"Another Earth? How is that possible?" Mon-El replied surprised as he didn't know this in the future from he came back from with his friends of the Legion.

"Yeah, it's so true man the theory of the multiverse is real. I later will explain it better to you" Winn said again with a wide smile to the daxamite, Mon-El just nodded still confused as well as Imra and Brainy who indeed in the future didn't knew this.

"Where's Supergirl Alex?" J'onn asked again after not seeing Kara arrivng with Alex.

"That's something I need to tell you guys" Alex started saying looking down for a moment alarming everyone but much more both Clark and Mon-El.

"Alex where's Kara? Is she okay?" Mon-El asked too adding more pressure the her and feeling scared for Kara, although he was married to Imra he still love her, he was back in this time after being trap for years just to recovered their old relationship.

"I don't know, the wedding didn't even ocurred as one day before the groom canceled the wedding infront of everyone, which was pretty shocking" Alex said at first gaining a few gasp of amazement from the group as J'onn rise his eye brows as well as Clark.

"That's messed up, poor girl and who could do that to her?, what kind of man does that to his fiancee?" Winn stated with disappointment but not knowing who was the one to called out the engagement.

"Winn, it was Barry, it was supposed to be his wedding with his long time girlfriend Iris West but at the last minute in the reheasal dinner, he called 'quits' of his relationship with her, infront of everyone. It resulted pretty badly at the end" Alex replied again with some shame but for what will happened next, now everyone was shocked well more Winn, J'onn and Mon-El cause they knew Barry before. Winn because of their encounter almost two years ago, and Mon-El from the musical adventure with the Music Meister and how in that moment helped both him and Kara's relationship to repaired.

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