He Asked for This

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There I was, riding my black horse named Arn(Royal in Elvish) to the gates of Erabor. To face Thorin, beside me on my left is King Thranduil, riding his mighty Elk. To my right is Lord Bard, riding Lerthenil, my white horse. Leading us is Lord Dain, Thorins cousin, on a huge hog and King Thrain on his pony. Gandalf is behind us, along with Estel and the armies of elves, dwarfs and man are following their leaders.

I had told Bilbo to go back to Thorin before he noticed he was gone. I didn't want him to get into trouble just yet. I knew what Thorin was capable of.

I looked into the distance and saw figures behind the giant wall they had built to keep us out. They honestly didn't know what was coming for them.

A few moments later we had stopped in front of the wall, about twenty feet away. Myself, Thranduil, Bard, Thrain, Dain, Estel and Gandalf approached the wall.

"We have come to speak to Thorin, King Under the Mountain," I yelled.

"You say you want to speak, yet you bring armies upon me. My own kin against me! Tell me, Angelina, why have you come?" Thorin yelled back.

I sighed, "To fulfill the promise you made to Lord Bard of Dale! To make peace and not war!" I yelled back.

"I owe them nothing." he yelled getting angry now.

"Will you trade for this?" Asked Thranduil, taking out the Arkenstone.

Thorin looked livid. "How? It's a trick!"

"No it's not," said a small but loud voice of Bilbo. "I took it as my 1/14th of the share as you promised. I've given it back to the people."

Thorin rounded on him, "Get out!"
Bilbo wasted no time in climbing down the wall, and then ran to me. I helped him into my horse.

"What will you have? Peace or War?" Asked Bard.

"I will have war!" Thorin replied.

"So be it!" I yelled, turning my horse from him, but not before I looked into his eyes, and sent him a clarity spell, so he would see his wrong doings.

We rode back to our armies, but Thranduil and I could hear something from the distance. I knew it was Azog and his army.

"Thranduil, they are here." I said.

"I know little one. We will fight them, I know your hoping Thorin will get over the sickness, but I see no hope left with him." He said sadly.

I smiled at him and rode to the head of the large group of armies.

"The Ocrs are coming, lead by the one they call Azog! We will fight to defend the line of Durin and this mountain! Thorin will come through after this fight, I know it, I've seen it in my visions and I also hold love and hope for my soulmate." I yelled as I rode back and forth in front of the Men, Dwarfs and Elves. "For Erabor!"

Loud yelling in reply I smiled,"They are almost here. for now I will sing to get everybody pumped up for this fight!"

I took a deep breathe and started singing.

There's a humming in the restless summer air
And we're slipping off the course that we prepared
But in all chaos, there is calculation
Dropping glasses just to hear them break
You've been drinking like the world was gonna end (it didn't)
Took a shiner from the fist of your best friend (go figure)
It's clear that someone's gotta go
We mean it but I promise we're not mean

And the cry goes out
They lose their minds for us
And how it plays out
Now we're in the ring
And we're coming for blood

You could try and take us (oh-oh)
But we're the gladiators (Oh! Oh!)
Everyone a rager (oh-oh)
But secretly they're saviors
Glory and gore go hand in hand
That's why we're making headlines (Oh! Oh!)
You could try and take us (oh-oh)
But victory's contagious

Delicate in every way but one (the swordplay)
God knows we like archaic kinds of fun (the old way)
Chance is the only game I play with, baby
We let our battles choose us

And the cry goes out
They lose their minds for us
And how it plays out
Now we're in the ring
And we're coming for blood

You could try and take us (oh-oh)
But we're the gladiators (Oh! Oh!)
Everyone a rager (oh-oh)
But secretly they're saviors
Glory and gore go hand in hand
That's why we're making headlines (Oh! Oh!)
You could try and take us (oh-oh)
But victory's contagious

No-one round here's good at keeping their eyes closed
The sun's starting to light up when we're walking home
Tired little laughs, gold-lie promises, we'll always win at this
I don't ever think about death
It's alright if you do, it's fine
We gladiate but I guess we're really fighting ourselves
Roughing up our minds so we're ready when the kill time comes
Wide awake in bed, words in my brain,
"Secretly you love this do you even wanna go free?"
Let me in the ring, I'll show you what that big word means

You could try and take us (oh-oh)
But we're the gladiators (Oh! Oh!)
Everyone a rager (oh-oh)
But secretly they're saviors
Glory and gore go hand in hand
That's why we're making headlines (Oh! Oh!)
You could try and take us (oh-oh)
But victory's contagious

"I've also called for the dragons and their riders to join us. They will help us fight and heal any injured person. Some dragons can save lives, just yell out Spirit and she will come." I announced.

As the words left my mouth, at least two or three hundred dragons and riders arrived, and on the ground there was over ten thousand elves, dragons people, some fairies, more men.....our army was gathering in strength and numbers, I was starting to get a good feeling.

As soon as the other army stood by our sides, we heard rumbling coming from under ground, and over the hills. I looked to my people of Middle Earth.

"We must stand tall, hold our ground and fight. Fight for your wives, sisters, daughters and sons, fight for your Queen!" I yelled raising my sward.

"Hail Queen Angelina!" "Let's fight these bastards!" "For Middle Earth!" We're what most people, elves and dwarves called out.

I glanced at the gates of Erabor, they were standing there watching! Kili and Fili were wanting to join me in the fight, they were glaring at Thorin, Kili said something and Thorin looked at him. So I listened in.

"Are you really not going to help them? Your One? Uncle I'm not going to stand by and watch as others are fighting our battles for us!" He was yelling at Thorin.

Mentioning me seemed to snap Thorin out of his trance. He spun around and spotted me. Worry clearly written on his face and in his eyes. I decided to not listen anymore. I spotted Legolas and Tauriel near Dale, arming other warriors.

Azog showed his face, beside him stood Bolog, his son. He was telling to orcs and other creatures to attack the mountain and us.

I raised my sward again, looking to Thorin, I mouthed 'I love you' and did my battle cry as I charged forward, Estel by my side. Thranduil was telling the elves to release their arrows and fire at will.

This will be one hell of a fight, but Thorin asked for this.

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